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Khachapuri in Ossetian

Khachapuri in Ossetian
Khachapuri in Ossetian

Video: ხაჭაპურის ტრადიცია საქართველოში / The Khachapuri Tradition in Georgia 2024, July

Video: ხაჭაპურის ტრადიცია საქართველოში / The Khachapuri Tradition in Georgia 2024, July

These delicious pies have long gained wide popularity, now Ossetian khachapuri can be prepared far beyond the homeland of this dish. Khachapuri in Ossetian preparation is quite simple - just follow the instructions.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For ten servings:

  • For the test:

  • - 4 cups flour;

  • - 500 ml of kefir;

  • - 200 g margarine;

  • - 1 teaspoon of vinegar, soda, salt.

  • For filling:

  • - 800 g of suluguni or Ossetian cheese;

  • - 1 egg.

Instruction manual


Extinguish soda with vinegar, mix it in a bowl with kefir, salt. Add flour - the dough should not be very cool, but not too soft. Cover the dough with a warm towel and leave for half an hour.


Roll out the finished dough into a large cake, spread softened margarine on it, roll the dough with a roll and put it in the refrigerator for one hour.


Prepare the filling for khachapuri: grate the cheese, add a raw egg, knead until smooth.


Cut a small piece the size of a fist from the dough. Roll so that the dough and margarine alternate horizontally (you get puff pastry). Put cheese and egg filling in the middle of the cake. You can add a piece of butter. Blind the envelope, turn it over, roll it out a little with a rolling pin. If air bubbles form, pierce the dough with a sharp knife.


Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom, it is better to take a cast-iron. Put the cake in a frying pan, cover and bake without adding oil over medium heat until a golden crust forms (about 3 minutes). Then turn the tortilla over, cover the pan again, bake for another 3 minutes.


Thus, prepare Ossetian khachapuri from the whole dough and toppings. Serve better when hot.

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