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Mushroom Soup with Meatballs

Mushroom Soup with Meatballs
Mushroom Soup with Meatballs

Video: Meatball || Cream Of Mushroom Soup 2024, July

Video: Meatball || Cream Of Mushroom Soup 2024, July

In this recipe, meatballs are not quite simple - they add pistachios, which give the dish a highlight.


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You will need

  • For soup:

  • - 300 g of champignons,

  • - 1 carrot,

  • - green onions,

  • - 2 potatoes,

  • - 1 onion,

  • - salt and pepper to taste.

  • On meatballs:

  • - 200 g of pork minced meat,

  • - 2 cloves of garlic,

  • - 1 egg

  • - 30 g of peeled pistachios,

  • - parsley

  • - salt and pepper to taste.

Instruction manual


First, peel the pistachios, parsley and garlic finely chopped, mix with minced meat and egg, salt and pepper to taste. Put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.


Cut mushrooms into thin slices, onions into half rings, and carrots and potatoes into cubes.


Take the minced meat from the refrigerator, divide it into 16 parts and form small meatballs. Fry them in a pan with a thick bottom in a small amount of sunflower oil until golden brown. Then remove from heat and set aside.


In the same pan where the meatballs were cooked, fry the onions and carrots for 3 minutes. Then add the mushrooms and cook another 5 minutes.


Add 1 liter of hot water to the pot for vegetables, put the potatoes, bring to a boil. Pepper, salt, reduce heat, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes, almost until the potatoes are ready. Then add meatballs to the soup, warm for 5 minutes. The soup is ready!


When serving, you can add sour cream to the soup, it will turn out even tastier.

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