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Nails with mushrooms and cheese

Nails with mushrooms and cheese
Nails with mushrooms and cheese

Video: Foodie Friday Chicken Scallopini with Mushroom Pasta - Home Chef 2024, July

Video: Foodie Friday Chicken Scallopini with Mushroom Pasta - Home Chef 2024, July

Mushroom pie with cheese and sour cream, made from puff pastry, is incredibly tasty and very tender. Chanterelles are great for its preparation, but if you do not have them, then you can take almost any other fresh mushrooms.


Pick your recipe


  • chanterelles or other mushrooms - 100 g;

  • 3 tbsp sour cream with high fat content;

  • 1/3 tsp dried thyme;

  • 250 g puff pastry;

  • 1 medium onion head;

  • hard cheese - 100 g;

  • 1/3 tsp ground black pepper;

  • ½ tsp salt.


  1. Roll out the puff pastry so that it completely covers the baking sheet, which should first be thoroughly greased with a small amount of odorless sunflower oil. After the dough is placed in a baking sheet, it should be chopped in several places (for this an ordinary fork is suitable).

  2. Next you should prepare the mushrooms. To do this, they must be washed very well in running water so that no dirt or debris remains on them. Then they should be cut into large enough pieces, while small chanterelles can not be cut, and those larger ones can be cut into 2 or 3 parts. The bulb must be cleaned, washed, and then cut into non-thick half rings.

  3. After all the necessary products for the filling are prepared, you can start cooking it. To do this, you should mix chopped chanterelles and onions in a separate deep dish. After that, add sour cream to the resulting mass, all the necessary spices and mix everything well.

  4. Cheese should be chopped with a grater. The resulting cheese mass is also mixed with mushrooms, but if desired, you can sprinkle on top of the laid filling before sending the pie to the oven.

  5. After that, the resulting filling should be laid on the dough so that the edges remain free on each side (about 3 centimeters). Then the edges of the pie must be wrapped up to get some kind of sides. Between them they must be bound together.

  6. Then you need to coat the edges with an egg or one yolk. After that, the cake can be sent to an oven heated to 180 degrees. This delicious dish will be ready in 30–35 minutes. It is best served hot or warm to the table, previously cut into small pieces.

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