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How to replace avocados in rolls

How to replace avocados in rolls
How to replace avocados in rolls

Video: How to Make Avocado Sushi 2024, July

Video: How to Make Avocado Sushi 2024, July

Avocados are present in many roll recipes. But in the nearest store to find it is not always possible. What to do if there was a desire to cook rolls, but an avocado was not at hand? Replace it with more affordable products!


Pick your recipe

Stuffing for rolls can be very different. There are many combinations of ingredients that are great for this dish. You can repeat any recipe at home. Homemade rolls, as a rule, are even more delicious. That's just not all the ingredients the hostess will find in her refrigerator. Some of them can even be called exotic. For example, avocado.

This fruit is part of many varieties of rolls. But in Russian stores you will not meet him often. Unless in large supermarkets, where its price is sometimes very high.

Is it possible to replace avocados in rolls with more affordable products? The answer is unequivocal - you can. First of all, fresh cucumbers are great for this. Moreover, you can get them in the store without any problems at any time of the year. Cucumbers also need to be cut into small rectangular slices.

Red pepper is another suitable substitute product. It can also be cut into small strips and added to the filling. All these ingredients will make the rolls more tender, fresh and piquant in taste. You can also turn on fantasy and add any other vegetables to your taste.

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