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Why rosehip is useful

Why rosehip is useful
Why rosehip is useful

Video: ROSEHIP SEED OIL (Fully Explained) | DON'T USE IT IF...... | Zulayla 2024, July

Video: ROSEHIP SEED OIL (Fully Explained) | DON'T USE IT IF...... | Zulayla 2024, July

Rosehip bushes, although brought by a close relative of garden roses, do not attract much attention. Its bitter fruits with fleecy seeds are also unpopular, and even if you touch the core of a solid red berry and rub your eye or nose … In general, in the eyes of an uninformed person, a dog rose does not represent any interesting object for interaction. Until then, until its healing properties are useful.


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Very often, coming to an appointment with a cardiologist, in addition to the list of artificial medicines, you can also get a recommendation to drink a broth of wild rose or wild rose. And, oddly enough, given the burning bitterness of raw berries, this broth tastes quite good. And how useful it is for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases!

In addition, rose hips are an excellent strengthening agent for those who are recovering from a long illness, have recently undergone surgery, or simply suffer from seasonal vitamin deficiency. Speaking of seasons. Winter is in the yard, which means the colds and flu that invariably accompany it. No other products are capable of such a beneficial effect on the immune system, as these oblong red berries.

By the content of vitamin C, wild rose is much ahead of lemon. And this is not his only weapon in the fight against ailments. Rosehip is full of B, K, P and PP vitamins, as well as other substances necessary for the body, including iron and very useful carotene for vision. A decoction of wild rose fruits normalizes the liver, serves as an excellent source of antioxidants and stimulates the active production of blood cells.

When buying rosehips on the market, choose brown-red or orange berries - their color indicates that they are moderately dried and have retained their beneficial properties. And it is better not to be too lazy and collect-dry the fruits yourself. Put them in cloth bags or glass vessels and store in a dry, dark place so as not to destroy the supply of vitamins.

When brewing a rosehip, remember that, like any other medicine, it has its contraindications. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have thrombosis, thrombophlebitis or endocarditis, as well as problems with acidity or a stomach ulcer. Caution should also be given to those who are sensitive to vitamin C. There are rare cases of individual intolerance.

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