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Openwork pancakes with milk: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking

Openwork pancakes with milk: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking
Openwork pancakes with milk: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Openwork pancakes with yogurt and milk. Even a child can do this. 2024, June

Video: Openwork pancakes with yogurt and milk. Even a child can do this. 2024, June

Pancakes - perhaps the oldest product of the original Russian cuisine, first cooked in the 9th century. According to one legend, pancakes owe their origin to oatmeal, forgotten by the mistress in a hot oven. Kissel was fried and turned into a thin ruddy dough. The first pancake tasted very pleasant, and they began to cook it on purpose. So there was a Russian pancake.


Pick your recipe

Openwork pancakes do not leave anyone indifferent. Standing in front of a mouth-watering dish is simply impossible! Openwork pancakes in milk are even easier to prepare than standard pancakes. Solar circles from batter on a dairy product are thin and with graceful holes. They are distinguished by a homely aroma and a rich creamy taste, and most importantly - lace thin edges.

In Soviet times, just such pancakes were prepared by mothers and grandmothers for their children. So openwork pancakes on milk can be called a "recipe from childhood."

The classic recipe for pancakes in milk


  • egg - 2 pcs.

  • high flour varieties - 100 g

  • friable dry yeast - 2 tsp

  • milk - 250 ml

  • sugar - 20 g

  • oil grows. - 2 tsp

  • butter is cream. - 30 g

  • salt - a pinch

Cooking pancakes step by step

  1. Heat pasteurized milk to 35-40 ° C, pour yeast and sugar into it, salt. Set aside the flour for 10-15 minutes until the yeast dissolves.

  2. Break two raw eggs into milk and mix with a whisk until smooth.

  3. Sift flour 2 times to make it airy. Pour into the dough and very easy, leading the spoon from the bottom up in the water to mix the ingredients.

  4. Now the test must be infused for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. If it turned out too thick (and the consistency should be like that of drinking yogurt), add 50-100 ml of milk.

  5. Grease the pan with vegetable oil or lard. To heat up. Pour pancakes in a thin layer. Fry on both sides to a sunny golden color.

  6. Spread pancakes on a dish in a stack, laying slices of butter between layers so that they do not stick together.

Tender "a la lace" on milk

Want to add more holes and softness to lace? Then pancakes should be cooked in milk, but with the addition of boiling water.



  • egg - 2 pcs.;

  • water - 450 ml;

  • milk - 200 ml;

  • high flour varieties - 400 g;

  • oil grows. - 1 tbsp;

  • granulated sugar - 40 g;

  • vanillin - 10 g;

  • butter - 40 g.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Bring water to a boil. While it is warming, break the eggs and separate the squirrels from the yolks. Beat the yolks until a thick whitish foam.

  2. Pour boiling water into a deep bowl and pour whipped yolks there. Mix everything with a whisk.

  3. Beat the whites to a dense foam.

  4. Add chilled milk, all the sugar and frothy egg whites to the boiling water bowl, add vanilla and slowly add all the flour.

  5. Stir with a whisk and add flour until the pancake dough becomes a creamy consistency.

  6. In the final - a spoonful of sunflower oil. Stir. An important point - do not immediately start baking. According to the recipe, the dough should "rest", that is, stand so that bubbles form in it, which will become the basis of the lace. After 30 minutes, you can start heating the pan.

  7. Fry each pancake on both sides in a heated greased frying pan. Before serving, soak in butter.


Features of cooking and baking

  • Even if the flour is from a new pack, it needs to be sieved for oxygen saturation. This add splendor and delicacy to the pancakes.

  • “Damn lumpy” can happen if it starts to stick to the pan. The structure of the test is spoiled by undissolved crystals of salt and granulated sugar. This is easily prevented by mixing them with water in a separate glass and then filtering so that the crumbs remain in the sieve.

  • First of all, it is necessary to combine the liquid components, then slowly add the flour, without stopping stirring the dough with a spoon or whisk.

  • It is more convenient to lubricate the pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush.

  • If you want to cook elegant thin pancakes with easy frying, then remove sugar from the recipe or add it 2-3 times less. If you overdo it with sugar, then the pancakes can burn, without baking.

  • To make a thin pancake of the same thickness along the entire perimeter, you should tilt the pan a little when pouring dough into it and slightly rotate it until the dough has grasped.

  • When the pancakes are ready and on a dish have formed a high, flat pile, they should be covered with a towel. So they will breathe, but not cool.

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