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Red mullet fish - a small delicacy

Red mullet fish - a small delicacy
Red mullet fish - a small delicacy

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Video: Greek Style Red Mullet (Barbouni) by Jack The Greek 2024, July

Video: Greek Style Red Mullet (Barbouni) by Jack The Greek 2024, July

Antique thinkers and scientists Seneca, Horace, Pliny and Cicero, who were delighted with its taste, as well as its unique ability to change its color, wrote about redfish. This fish is characterized by the presence of two long antennae with a relatively small size - about 45-50 centimeters from the beginning of the head to the tip of the tail.


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A little bit about unique fish

In Russian, the word "red mullet" is of Turkish origin from the word barbunya, which in turn is derived from the Italian word barbone, which translates as "big beard." In Russia, this fish also has a second name - "Sultanka", which is associated with the characteristic antennae, like the Sultans. This fish was very popular in Ancient Rome, where the weight lots of red mullet were equal to shipments of silver. In the days of the Roman Empire, cooks, before cooking fish, usually first brought it out in a special vessel with water to guests who had the opportunity to enjoy the game of the color of red mullet - from silver to carmine.

Industrial capture of red mullet is very abundant in the Mediterranean, Azov and Black Seas, as well as in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where the fish lives at a shallow depth of 15-35 meters. At the same time, she prefers sandy or silty soil, but sometimes it can also be on a rocky bottom.

The mullet is valuable both in its nutritional properties and its great lightness (100 grams of fish contains only 31 kcal, 0.8 grams of fat and 5 grams of protein). Its meat is very tender and is considered delicious, since red mullet protein is quickly absorbed. The content in this fish is high in magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements valuable to the human body. It is believed that even a small snack with a red mullet can quickly restore human strength.

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