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Donuts with curd cream

Donuts with curd cream
Donuts with curd cream

Video: Lemon Curd Donuts (No Oven) 2024, July

Video: Lemon Curd Donuts (No Oven) 2024, July

Delicate, airy and delicious cream donuts - this is an excellent breakfast for the whole family. That is why we bring to your attention a convenient, affordable and easy recipe for donuts.


Pick your recipe


  • 2.5-3 cups flour;

  • 1 teaspoon of soda (without a slide);

  • 1 cup of good sour cream;

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;

  • 1 pinch of salt;

  • 100-300 ml of sunflower oil (for deep fat);

  • icing sugar (for serving).

Ingredients for Cream:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;

  • 4 tablespoons of finished chocolate pudding.


  1. Drive the egg into a wide container and beat with a fork.

  2. Pour sour cream and yogurt into the egg, add salt, sugar and 2.5 - 3 cups of flour. Knead the soft and supple dough with your hands, roll it into a rectangle and sprinkle 1/3 tsp. soda.

  3. Rub the soda thoroughly with your hands over the entire surface of the dough. Do this procedure as carefully as possible.

  4. Next, form a roll from the rectangle, roll it again with a rolling pin into a large rectangle, cover 1/3 with soda and rub it again carefully. Repeat this procedure one more time, after which the rectangle is again rolled up into a roll and bent so that the ends fold together.

  5. Place the prepared dough in a convenient container, cover and leave to stand for at least 2 hours at room temperature. During this time, the dough rises well and becomes airy.

  6. Cover the working surface of the table with flour, put the dough on the flour and roll it into a cake with a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out circles with a diameter of 5 cm from a cake using a glass or shape. Note that you need to immediately divide the whole piece of dough into circles, since donuts are very quickly fried and there will be no time for extrusion in the future.

  7. Either pour a lot of oil (1.5 cm. From the bottom of the pan) into a skillet or a stewpan and heat it. Put the donuts in hot oil and quickly fry on both sides. At the same time, they will not only be fried, but literally in front of their eyes, increase and rise in height.

  8. Put the fried donuts on a plate and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

  9. Note that donuts can be served with your favorite jam or cream. In this case, for the cream you need to take the cottage cheese and ready-made chocolate pudding. Put these two ingredients in a blender bowl and beat until smooth.

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