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Summer iced tea

Summer iced tea
Summer iced tea

Video: Summer Iced Tea Recipe: Mango Juice & Ceylon Tea | 50/50 Mix | Beat that Heat! 2024, June

Video: Summer Iced Tea Recipe: Mango Juice & Ceylon Tea | 50/50 Mix | Beat that Heat! 2024, June

In the summer in the heat I want coolness and freshness. Iced tea can be a great helper against heat and thirst.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 20 g of black leaf tea;

  • - 2 pcs. Lemon

  • - 2 pcs. an orange;

  • - 1 PC. lime

  • - 150 g of sugar;

  • - 150 g of strawberries;

  • - 20 g of fresh mint leaves.

Instruction manual


Rinse the mint leaves in cold running water. Hang the plant stalks down with the leaves in a cool shaded place so that the leaves dry well and slightly sag.


Take black loose tea and pour it into a large teapot. It is best to take whole leaves or leaves in large pieces for brewing tea. It is better to use glass or ceramic dishes as a teapot. Do not take iron or plastic teapots; they do not fully reveal the taste of the tea leaf.


Separate the mint leaves from the cuttings and cut into medium slices. Add them to the teapot to black leaf tea and pour cool boiling water over everything. Cover the teapot with a thick towel and let it brew for two hours.


Wash lime, oranges and lemons well. Take a fine grater and rub the lime peel on it. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lime pulp. Oranges and lemons just peel and squeeze their juice.


Wash strawberries, dry, remove leaves. Beat in a blender. Add sugar, whipped strawberries, citrus juice and lime zest to the brewed tea. Add more boiling water. The mixture should be diluted in half with boiling water and let it brew for another hour. Strain everything and cool in the refrigerator. Serve with pieces of ice and slices of citrus.

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