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Stuffed Chicken Cutlets

Stuffed Chicken Cutlets
Stuffed Chicken Cutlets

Video: Chicken Pesto Roll-Ups Recipe - Easy Stuffed Chicken 2024, July

Video: Chicken Pesto Roll-Ups Recipe - Easy Stuffed Chicken 2024, July

Chicken cutlets themselves are very tasty, but with the filling they will not leave indifferent either home or guests.


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To prepare chicken cutlets with filling, you will need:

500 g of minced chicken or meat (a breast that needs to be passed through a meat grinder is suitable), 1 medium onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2-4 pieces of bread or rolls (to taste, but can not be put at all), 3 eggs, salt and pepper to taste, 100 g of hard cheese, parsley and (or) dill, green onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter.

Cooking chicken cutlets with filling:

Mix the minced chicken with bread or roll (slightly soaked in milk or water, depending on what is at hand). Put onion, chopped onion, salt, pepper, beat the egg. All must be mixed well.

For the filling, cook two eggs, crumble them. Grate cheese, crumble greens (parsley, dill, green onions). Mix boiled eggs, cheese, greens.

We make the patties as usual (we collect the minced meat on the patty), but we make a deepening in each patty, put a little filling there and close it with a small portion of the stuffing.

Fry in butter in a preheated pan until cooked.

Serve such chicken cutlets with any garnish to taste and desire - both ordinary boiled or fried potatoes, and simple pasta, rice, but fried or stewed mixes of vegetables, many salads will be good.

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