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How to bake jacket potatoes

How to bake jacket potatoes
How to bake jacket potatoes

Video: JACKET POTATO | Oven baked potatoes recipe | How to make 2024, July

Video: JACKET POTATO | Oven baked potatoes recipe | How to make 2024, July

Potatoes are widely used in the culinary of different nations of the world. Its baking is one of the most popular cooking methods, preserving all the vitamins and reducing the number of calories in the finished dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • large potatoes 4 pcs;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • olive oil;
    • butter;
    • ground black pepper.

Instruction manual


Take large potatoes. Please note - it should be without "sores", rot and other things that spoil its appearance. Rinse the potatoes under cold water, use a brush (not stiff, so as not to damage the peel): remove any remaining soil. Poke each root crop with a fork over the entire surface with a distance between punctures of one and a half to two centimeters.


Lubricate the potatoes with olive oil. Make sure that it penetrates all openings from the plug. Then grate root vegetables with coarse sea salt. At this stage, if desired, you can add garlic - peel it, chop finely or use garlic press. Rub the potatoes with garlic.


Preheat the oven to one hundred and ninety degrees (depending on the size of the potato, the temperature can range from 180 to 200 degrees). Put the root vegetables in the center of the oven on the wire rack and bake for about two hours until crisp (the time can also vary - from one and a half to two hours).


Remove the prepared potatoes from the oven. Cut it in half lengthwise (not to the end - leave the peel below as a link). Loosen the pulp inside with a fork, put a piece of butter on top (ten to fifteen grams). Wait until it is completely absorbed into the potatoes, and then add salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve the potatoes immediately - with cooling, it loses the delicious crunch of the peel and softens with oil.

Useful advice

Diversify the dish by adding the filling to the potatoes. At the stage of loosening the pulp, add shrimp, ham, bacon, cheese, herbs or any other products to your taste in potatoes. Combine the filling in a separate bowl, seasoning it with sour cream, yogurt or another sauce. Then add the pulp of potatoes to the bowl, mix and return the filling to the uniform.

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