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How I Loved Avocados

How I Loved Avocados
How I Loved Avocados

Video: Your Avocado Growing Questions Answered - Tips For Growing Great Avocados 2024, July

Video: Your Avocado Growing Questions Answered - Tips For Growing Great Avocados 2024, July

What could be more useful than an avocado? Two avocados. A very healthy fruit consolidates its position in the list of favorite foods. Avocados are added to numerous salads, it serves as an excellent basis for sauces, even drinks with avocados are not uncommon. But it’s not so easy to fall in love with him right away, the unusual taste of oily flesh did not cause sympathy with me for a long time. A coincidence helped; salad with cucumber and avocado is now my favorite treat.


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Avocados could not take their place in our refrigerator for a long time, I did not like its oily flesh and the absence of a pronounced taste. All salads tried from friends with this fruit received one review from my side: remove avocados. Once again I bought this green miracle in the hope of loving it and adding it to our diet. For three days the poor fellow was lying unclaimed in the refrigerator, until I decided to make at least something out of him, so as not to deteriorate. I collected for a light salad everything that was at that time in the refrigerator. I cut, mixed, put all this into a plastic container and took it with me to work with hope, I hope it could fit. As I was surprised by the taste that turned out, the light freshness of greens and cucumber perfectly complemented the flesh of avocado. On the same day, another fruit was bought for a second experiment. But the salad did not work out. The taste is not that! As a result of the work of an inquiring mind, the picture of the day was completely restored, the formula was found, everything is simple and tasty. I share the recipe with you.

Ingredients: two cucumbers, one avocado, fresh parsley and dill twigs of six, olive oil, two tablespoons, salt.

Cucumbers parsley and my dill and remove everything that we consider necessary to remove, cut the greens and cucumbers as you like. I like greens right with twigs and not very finely, I cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 2 halves and cut them thinly. We put all this in a plastic container, add salt to taste and two tablespoons of olive oil. Then we close the whole thing with a lid and shake it. Cucumbers at this time slightly salted, and I get the same taste that I can’t tear myself away from. We leave the container on the table, and we ourselves begin to prepare the avocado. Wash, cut into two halves, take out the stone and peel. Dice the avocado and add to the cucumbers with herbs. Leave the salad for another 30 minutes on the table, periodically shaking the container. Cucumbers are slightly salted, herbs give olive oil their smell and taste, avocados harmoniously combine with cucumbers and herbs. I like to eat salad with cucumber and avocado with rye bread or crackers. Another healthy fruit has become my favorite.

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