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How to make lamb tasty: two ways

How to make lamb tasty: two ways
How to make lamb tasty: two ways

Video: 5 Mouth-Watering And Juicy Lamb Recipes 2024, July

Video: 5 Mouth-Watering And Juicy Lamb Recipes 2024, July

Presenting the recipe for lamb, it is worth noting that this meat is in demand and popular mainly in those regions where the cuisine is based on Asian traditions with the use of products, ingredients, spices and the special characteristics of the preparation of a dish that are only beginning to gradually enter our Slavic mentality of perception.


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Lamb - meat is quite specific. In terms of its fat content and caloric content, it is ahead of beef, and even pork. In addition, lamb has only its inherent smell, which is eliminated by pre-soaking, preferably in the marinade. A correctly selected piece also affects the quality of the prepared dish. That is why, in order to cook lamb, and the dish was to your taste, you need to know if not all the subtleties of Caucasian cuisine, then surely those that relate to the preparation of lamb.

In order to cook delicious mutton, decide on the meat itself. The meat of a young sheep is much more tender in taste and has practically no streaks. The older the ram, the darker and richer the color of the meat. However, acquiring even older mutton, with the help of a marinade, you can soften it and make it juicier. The marinade in this case is made from a mixture of red wine, mustard and olive oil.

Cooking lamb is not at all difficult, but there are nuances that are better to be aware of.

The best meat for the preparation of barbecue, experts say, than lamb, can not be found, and only by all the rules cooked baked lamb leg is worth what!

The famous Georgian lamb chanakhi dish, which refers to the first dishes, has already received in connection with its popularity a variety of interpretations that are presented in famous restaurants around the world.

Initially, as a Georgian original version, chanakhi was a soup, which was prepared on the basis of vegetables and meat of a young lamb. Carrots, garlic, tomatoes, onions, spices. Soup is elementary in cooking, both in the oven and on a gas stove. Today, mutton chanahs are supplemented with various ingredients, in our case, potatoes, which are baked in a pot, exclusively in the oven with lamb meat and various spices.

One of the chanakhi options is baked in the oven with the addition of a young lamb and potatoes of several decent slices of eggplant sliced ​​in rings, which gives the dish not only a peculiar piquancy and pungency, but also an unforgettable taste.

You can also cook mutton very tasty according to a modern recipe using mint. Mint leaves break off and pre-salted and pepper lamb meat is densely covered with these leaves. On a baking sheet, previously greased with two tablespoons of sunflower oil, the meat is laid out and fried. Then, one-fourth cup of vinegar, half a glass of water, two unpeeled garlic heads, broken into cloves, are added to the fried meat and baked all at 200 degrees in the oven for 40-45 minutes. After cooking, it is recommended not to take out the meat for 10 minutes. So it will save all the juiciness.

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