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How to choose a pineapple

How to choose a pineapple
How to choose a pineapple

Video: How to choose & cut a pineapple 2024, July

Video: How to choose & cut a pineapple 2024, July

Fragrant pineapple is a healthy and tasty fruit of the genus grassy. Ripe pineapple will perfectly complement any meal, because one of its wonderful properties is to increase the enzymatic activity of gastric juice. Therefore, you need to eat pineapples more often. And when buying these wonderful fruits, you need to consider some rules.


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If you have looked at a decent pineapple in your opinion, do not rush to immediately buy it. First, smell the fruit. You will feel the smell of a quality pineapple only by bringing it closer to your face. If the aroma from the fetus reaches you from an arm's reach, then it was processed with a flavor. Which indicates the staleness of the product.


When buying a pineapple, pay attention to the condition of its peel. Between the scales that form it, there should be no whitish dots indicating the moldiness of the fetus. To the touch, the peel should be sufficiently elastic. If it is easily squeezed, the fetus is already rotting.


The rosette of pineapple leaves should be twisted a little. If it scrolls slightly, this indicates that the fruit is ripe. The socket sits tight and does not spin at all - this indicates that the pineapple is immature.


Unscrupulous sellers can wash, dry and process spoiled pineapple with flavors. Therefore, be careful when buying an overseas fruit.

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