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How to make delicious apple jam

How to make delicious apple jam
How to make delicious apple jam

Video: Homemade Apple Jam Without Artificial Colours And Preservatives 2024, July

Video: Homemade Apple Jam Without Artificial Colours And Preservatives 2024, July

Tasty, aromatic jam - what could be better on a winter evening to evening tea? A reminder of the past summer is on the table in a crystal vase. And how much practical benefit it has! Jam helps with colds, fights with vitamin deficiency and even with autumn depression. It can be used as a filling for baking or made from jam fruit drinks.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 2 kg of apples;
    • 4 glasses of water;
    • 2 kg of sugar.

Instruction manual


Wash the apples, dry and cut into slices 10-15 mm thick, removing all defects of the fruit, as well as seeds and seed boxes. Better do it quickly so that the apples do not darken in the air. If this does not work out, add them to the water slightly acidified with citric acid, but do not keep it for more than 1 hour. Choose apples with a firm flesh jam, moderately sour and fragrant.


Blanched apples in blanching water for 3-5 minutes. Blanching time depends on the density of the pulp, the denser it is, the longer it is blanched. Then quickly cool the apples in cold water. Try to do everything delicately to keep the slices intact and not to get porridge at the exit. The blanching process is necessary so that the apples in the jam are soft and at the same time retain their shape. If this is not done and just pour apples with sugar, waiting until they let the juice go themselves, it may happen that apple slices give all the juice into syrup, and become wrinkled and hard.


The water in which the apples were blanched will go to make the syrup. Dissolve half the sugar in 2 cups of water and bring the syrup to a boil. Then dip the apples in boiling syrup and set aside for 3 or 4 hours. It takes time for the fruits to soak in the syrup. Then put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and set again.


Cook 2 cups of decoction and the second half of sugar syrup and add it to the jam. Repeat cooking jam 2-3 more times, each time bringing it to a boil, and then removing from heat until cool. Jam can be considered ready if a drop of syrup, falling on a cold saucer, does not spread.


Do not use enameled utensils for making jam; jam will stick to the bottom, as a result, it will be spoiled both by itself and utensils. The best option is grandma’s copper basin. Those who did not get it, you can use aluminum utensils.

Useful advice

You can add cinnamon or vanillin to the jam at the end of cooking. Cinnamon apples are a classic combination found in many pastries or drinks.

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