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How to make peppermint cucumber gazpacho

How to make peppermint cucumber gazpacho
How to make peppermint cucumber gazpacho

Video: Making gazpacho with Mum 2024, July

Video: Making gazpacho with Mum 2024, July

Gazpacho (Spanish: gazpacho) - a dish of Spanish cuisine, which is a cold soup of mashed vegetables. Mint cucumber gazpacho has a refreshing taste and is perfect for a hot summer day.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 15 mint leaves;
    • 2 cucumbers;
    • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
    • olive oil;
    • salt;
    • ground black pepper.

Instruction manual


Wash the fresh cucumbers thoroughly and peel them. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.


Tear off peppermint leaves (no stem needed). Wash them, dry and chop finely. Put chopped mint leaves in a bowl with cucumbers.


Wash the lemon, cut it and squeeze some juice. Add the juice to the cucumbers with mint. Pour olive oil into the mixture and add black ground pepper and salt.


Mash the mixture using a blender. Try the dish and, if necessary, adjust the taste by adding salt, pepper, lemon juice. Put the prepared mint cucumber gazpacho in the refrigerator for ten to fifteen minutes to cool.


Pour gazpacho into plates or bowls. If someone loves sheep or goat cheese, grate it and put it on the bottom of the dishes. Add a few drops of olive oil to each serving. If desired, you can decorate the dish with mint leaves.


Serve the cucumber gazpacho on a table with fresh Italian scones with rosemary or olives. If it is very hot outside, add some crushed ice before serving in gazpacho plates.


Gazpacho can be both a soup and a drink - if you want it to be thicker, add a spoonful of sour cream to it. To prepare a drink, dilute it with plain or mineral water to the desired consistency.


If you want the dish to be sharper, add finely chopped ruccola, garlic, red onion to the mint cucumber gazpacho.

Instead of juice, you can use apple or wine vinegar. Sprinkle a dish with it before serving.

For the preparation of gazpacho, it is better to use extra virgin olive oil. It is tastier and more aromatic than usual, and it retains the largest amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Useful advice

If the house does not have a blender, grate gazpacho cucumbers on a fine grater, chop the mint very finely, and then mix everything and beat with an ordinary fork.

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