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How to cook pilaf with friable rice

How to cook pilaf with friable rice
How to cook pilaf with friable rice

Video: Pilaf on east.Pilaf. Just plov. How to cook pilaf 2024, July

Video: Pilaf on east.Pilaf. Just plov. How to cook pilaf 2024, July

Literally everyone knows what pilaf is and almost anyone knows how to cook it. But not everyone knows the secret of how to cook pilaf so that the rice is crumbly and at the same time melts in the mouth.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 glass of rice

  • - 300 grams of meat (pork, beef)

  • - salt

  • - ground black pepper

  • - Bay leaf

  • - 2 cloves of garlic

  • - vegetable oil

  • - 1 onion head

  • - 1 carrot

Instruction manual


First, cut the meat into medium-sized cubes, fry them. Later on, add finely chopped onions and grated carrots to the meat. Fry all these ingredients until golden brown. Then we cook rice. Rinse it well and fill it with hot water for 10 minutes. Rice should swell a little.


After the rice is swollen, put the cauldron on the stove and lay in it layers of fried meat with onions, carrots and well-washed rice. Add seasonings to taste to your cauldron, bay leaf and squeeze a little garlic for flavor. To make the rice crumbly, you need to pour as much hot water into the cauldron as there was rice. Water should be boiling water, and the ratio with rice is 1: 1.


After placing all the ingredients in the cauldron, cover it with a lid and turn on a strong fire. Cook the pilaf exactly 12 minutes. This is the key to the success of friability of rice. Cook for 5 minutes on high heat, 4 on average and 4 on low heat. Do not open the lid when cooking, do not mix rice.


After 12 minutes, turn off the stove and do not remove the lid from the cauldron for exactly the same amount. This will give pilaf infusion, and rice will not stick together.

Useful advice

For cooking pilaf, it is better to choose steamed rice. Round rice has an increased stickiness and viscosity during cooking. For loose pilaf such rice is not suitable.

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