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How to make zucchini jam for the winter

How to make zucchini jam for the winter
How to make zucchini jam for the winter

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Zucchini is a versatile vegetable, because from it you can cook not only stew or caviar, salt or pickle, but also cook beautiful and tasty jam.


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To make squash jam for the winter we need:

  • Zucchini - 1-2 medium fruits with a total weight of about 2 kg

  • Lemons - 2-3 pieces

  • Sugar - 1 kg


1. Zucchini need to be washed, peeled from them and cut out the middle (where the pulp and seeds).

2. Then cut the peeled zucchini into small pieces.

3. Scroll zucchini in a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is placed in a sieve or colander so that the glass is excess liquid.

4. Wash and cut the lemons into quarters, remove the seeds.

5. Scroll the lemon slices in a meat grinder along with the peel.

6. Place the squash mass in a saucepan for cooking, add ground lemons, mix.

7. Pour a kilo of sugar into the lemon-zucchini mixture and mix well.

8. Turn on simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

9. Remove foam during cooking as necessary.

10. After 20 minutes, the jam will become thick and transparent, this indicates its readiness.

11. Pour still hot jam into cooked clean and dry cans, roll up, cool and store in cool.

Unusual and tasty squash jam in winter will delight the whole family.

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