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How to make a Golden Mustache Tincture

How to make a Golden Mustache Tincture
How to make a Golden Mustache Tincture

Video: Kalliziya fragrant or Golden moustache. Medicinal plants on the windowsill. Recipes. 2024, July

Video: Kalliziya fragrant or Golden moustache. Medicinal plants on the windowsill. Recipes. 2024, July

At all times, people have been attracted to plants with healing properties. The golden mustache that came to us from the South American tropical forests has been grown as a houseplant for more than a hundred years and is famous for its widespread use in folk medicine.


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In folk medicine, tincture of a golden mustache is widely used. For its preparation, a plant is taken that has reached a medicinal age. The golden mustache should be purple and have at least nine mustaches. You can use the whole plant or only side shoots. It is best to prepare tincture in the fall, since it is during this period that the plant accumulates the maximum amount of therapeutic substances.


For tincture, you need about 15 knees of the plant and half a liter of vodka. If the tincture will be used for compresses, you can take 3 times more knees. Place the crushed plant in a dark, preferably glass container and pour vodka. In a cool place without access to light, soak the tincture for 14 days. Shake the contents daily. The liquid has a dark purple color, which upon storage becomes brownish, but a change in color does not reduce its healing properties. Take the product 3 times a day, 40 minutes before meals. Dosage depends on the disease. The medicine is not recommended to drink or seize.


You can prepare tincture in another way. To do this, squeeze the juice from the shoots and leaves of the plant and mix it with vodka or alcohol. Soak the tincture in a cool place for 10 days, shaking it every day. The proportions of juice and vodka depend on the method of treatment of the disease. For internal use, the concentration of juice should be several times lower than for external.


Of course, the golden mustache is not a panacea for all diseases. But for many people, it was this plant that helped to cope with various ailments.


In the 80s in Russia, scientists began to study the healing properties of the golden mustache and came to the conclusion that this plant is really capable of exerting a healing effect on the body. But people prone to allergies should be careful about treating with a golden mustache. The biologically active substances contained in it can cause side effects.

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