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How to make drinks to normalize metabolism

How to make drinks to normalize metabolism
How to make drinks to normalize metabolism

Video: Slow Metabolism? 8 Proven Ways to Boost It & Lose Weight | Joanna Soh 2024, July

Video: Slow Metabolism? 8 Proven Ways to Boost It & Lose Weight | Joanna Soh 2024, July

Many women give a lot of time and energy to the fight against extra pounds. Both diets and exercises are used, and the weight remains the same. and it is not a matter of the quality or quantity of food consumed, here the problem is deeper - slow metabolism.


Pick your recipe

To bring the metabolism back to normal, it will take a lot of time, effort and patience. There are many ways to normalize the metabolism, but strict adherence to all rules and recommendations is required.

Dry Rowan and Nettle Drink

First you need to prepare a collection by mixing 7 parts of dry rowan berries and 3 parts of dry nettle leaves. For a decoction of 2-3 tsp. the resulting collection, pour 2 cups boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then turn off the gas and infuse the broth for 4-6 hours in a warm place, then strain through cheesecloth and consume 1/2 cup every 4 hours.


Fat-free kefir with spices

It is possible to stimulate a metabolism by means of fat-free kefir. A pinch of red pepper, cinnamon or ground ginger will enhance its effect. Such a drink suppresses appetite and contributes to weight loss.


Cinnamon Apple Drink

To prepare a drink, finely chop 1 apple, add 1 tsp. ground cinnamon and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 2-2.5 hours in a cool place, drink 1 cup before bedtime.


Green tea

Green tea should be selected in bulk and without additives. 2 tsp infusion pour 300 g of boiling water, add 1 tsp. no slides of cinnamon, honey and lemon. Drink a drink throughout the day.


Pure water

Drinking an insufficient amount of drinking water can slow down the metabolism, so you need to drink it 1.5-2 liters per day. In hot weather and with active sports, the amount of water should be increased.


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