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How to Make Meat Buns

How to Make Meat Buns
How to Make Meat Buns

Video: How to Make Meat Buns | Buns Stuffed with Meat Recipe 2024, July

Video: How to Make Meat Buns | Buns Stuffed with Meat Recipe 2024, July

You are planning a celebration, but you still have not decided on a snack? Then cook delicious meat buns! Such an appetizer will instantly disappear from the festive table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - minced meat - 300 g;

  • - hard cheese - 50 g;

  • - eggs - 3 pcs.;

  • - milk - 130 ml;

  • - vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons;

  • - soda - 0.5 teaspoon;

  • - salt - 0.5 teaspoon;

  • - wheat flour - 8 tablespoons;

  • - sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;

  • - dill - 1 bunch;

  • - parsley - 1 bunch;

  • - green onions - 1 bunch.

Instruction manual


Beating one raw chicken egg separately, add sunflower oil and salt to it. Having mixed everything well, pour the same milk there. Mix the resulting mass with a dry mixture, which consists of wheat flour sifted together with soda.


Grinding hard cheese with a fine grater, lay it to the bulk. Turn the resulting mixture into a homogeneous one, mixing it as it should. The dough for meat rolls is ready.


On the bottom of the pre-prepared silicone molds, first put chopped green onions. Then place on it small balls rolled from prepared minced meat. Sprinkle on this mass, pre-cooked hard-boiled and mashed with a fork, chicken eggs.


Place the resulting dough on the meat filling laid in the molds, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.


Rinse dill and parsley thoroughly under running water, then dry. Finely chop the greens with a knife, then pour it onto the surface of future meat buns along with sesame seeds.


Send the tins with the mass laid in them to the oven. Bake the dish at a temperature equal to 200 degrees. The exact time of baking is difficult to say, as this will depend on the size of the forms in which it is prepared. On average, meat buns should be baked for 25-30 minutes.


Remove cooked and browned baked goods from the oven. Let it cool, then serve. The meat buns are ready!

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