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How to make milk jelly

How to make milk jelly
How to make milk jelly

Video: How to Make Milk Jelly - Basic and Simple Steps 2024, July

Video: How to Make Milk Jelly - Basic and Simple Steps 2024, July

Milk jelly is a healthy dessert that is not a shame for guests to offer. This dish can be a full substitute for milk or kefir for those who do not like dairy products. Decorated with fruits, berries or chocolate, it enjoys the well-deserved love of children.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • - 500 ml of milk;
    • - 2-4 Art. tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • - 25 g of gelatin;
    • - vanillin.

Instruction manual


Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold boiled water, leave to swell for 30-40 minutes.


Boil milk, add sugar and, stirring, bring it to a boil again.


Discard the swollen gelatin on a sieve, squeeze the water. Dissolve gelatin in hot milk without boiling, add vanillin to taste.


Cool the slightly obtained mass and strain through a frequent strainer.


Rinse the molds with water and fill them with warm jelly. Allow to cool and clean in a cold place.


Before serving, dip the mold in hot water for a second, wipe with a cloth. Cover it with a cold plate, flip it over quickly and, with a little shaking, remove the mold.


Garnish milk jelly with berries, fruits, grated chocolate, whipped cream, or pour in syrup.


Some chefs or amateurs make milk jelly from milk, sugar, and starch. But this is a completely different dish. Any jelly should be cooked with gelatin.

Gelatin must necessarily swell in cold water, otherwise it will not dissolve as it should in hot milk. Milk with gelatin is not brought to a boil, because in this case, the mass will coagulate, and the jelly will not work.

Milk jelly can lose shape if laid on a warm plate, so cool the plate under a stream of cold water or in the refrigerator for several minutes.

Useful advice

In the finished, but not yet frozen, jelly for taste, it is good to add pieces of fruit or berries.

With the help of fruit, berry or vegetable juices, milk jelly can be painted in the necessary colors (beets, red currants - pink, carrots - orange or yellow, parsley - green, etc.).

To get puff jelly, each next layer is carefully poured into the mold when the previous one has frozen only to a gelatinous consistency. In this case, the layers do not mix, and when shifting from the mold, the jelly does not fall apart into separate layers.

Milk Jelly & Mousse

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