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How to cook eggplant stuffed with mushrooms?

How to cook eggplant stuffed with mushrooms?
How to cook eggplant stuffed with mushrooms?

Video: HOW TO make Stuffed Eggplant Portabella Mushrooms Recipe - By Ani (party and dinner!) 2024, July

Video: HOW TO make Stuffed Eggplant Portabella Mushrooms Recipe - By Ani (party and dinner!) 2024, July

If you like eggplant on your own, try stuffing it with mushrooms. Cooking requires an oven, however, what happens will be a royal decoration for any table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 2 eggplants;

  • - 1-2 bell peppers;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - 2 tomatoes;

  • - 150 g of champignons;

  • - 2-3 cloves of garlic;

  • - greens (cilantro or parsley);

  • - vegetable oil;

  • - salt;

  • - pepper.

Instruction manual


Wash the eggplants, cut their ponytails and cut each vegetable along so that 2 halves form.


Cut the flesh from each half and put it to the side. Cut the eggplant pulp very carefully so as not to damage the half of the eggplant itself.


Put the resulting hollow eggplant boats on a baking sheet. Salt them from the inside, grease with vegetable oil. Eggplant should be baked at a temperature of 230 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.


Proceed to the filling. First, peel the onion, wash it well and chop finely. Cut the seed box from the washed pepper, and cut the pepper into small cubes. That eggplant pulp that you cut, now you need to cut into cubes. With mushrooms, we do exactly the same: wash, dry and cut into slices. Wash and chop greens. Garlic needs to be peeled and chopped too.


We start to cook. Heat a skillet over a fire, add vegetable oil and fry the onions for a couple of minutes.


Add pepper to the onion and, stirring occasionally, fry for another 4 minutes. Once the pepper is ready, add the greens you chopped and the garlic. Stir the whole mixture.


Fry the champignons in a separate skillet. Cook them for 8-10 minutes. Once the mushrooms are ready, add the eggplant pulp to them and mix well.


Now get the eggplant boats out of the oven and fill them with the filling you just prepared. Stuffed halves should be baked in an oven heated to 200 degrees. The baking time is approximately 10 minutes.

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