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How to cook dumpling soup

How to cook dumpling soup
How to cook dumpling soup

Video: Easy Korean Dumpling Soup (manduguk recipe | 만둣국) 2024, July

Video: Easy Korean Dumpling Soup (manduguk recipe | 만둣국) 2024, July

Soup is a fairly common dish. It is an important part of the diet. Dumplings soup is very popular among peoples living in the northern part of the planet, because it is very nutritious.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For filling:
    • 70 g of beef;
    • 80 g of pork;
    • onion;
    • water;
    • salt
    • pepper.
    • For the test:
    • flour 80 g;
    • 12 g of egg powder;
    • water - 30 g of water;
    • greens - 4 g of greens.

Instruction manual


To prepare the dumplings dough, take flour, egg powder, butter and water at the rate of 13 grams per serving and salt. Knead the dough and roll it into a spherical shape. Cover the dough with wet gauze and hold for forty minutes.


While the dough is aging, prepare the minced meat. Pass the beef and pork several times through a meat grinder. In the minced meat, add grated or minced onions scrolled through the meat grinder. Salt, pepper to taste and mix thoroughly.


Roll the cooked dough into a long strip two millimeters thick. Lubricate one edge of the dough with a width of one and a half centimeter with an egg, put the minced balls, stepping back three centimeters from the edge. Observe the spacing between the balls two centimeters.


Close the minced meat balls with the dough, raise the edges and press the top edge of the dough to the opposite edge around each minced meat ball.


Cut dumplings with a recess of three centimeters in diameter. Sift the flour onto the sheets and lay the dumplings on them.


Cook the meat soup broth. Lower the dumplings alternately into the broth, make sure that they do not stick together.


Add finely chopped onions or garlic to taste and cook the dumplings over low heat for about 12 minutes. If you cook dumplings bought in a store, then cook five minutes after boiling. A few minutes before cooking, add bay leaves, herbs and other spices to your dumplings soup to taste.


Serve dumplings soup seasoned with sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise or any other sauce to taste.


Before making dumplings, coat the hands with flour so that the dough does not stick to them.

Useful advice

Keep dumplings that did not go into the soup in the freezer. Before making the dumplings soup the next time, dip the frozen dumplings for thirty seconds in boiling water (to remove the flour) and put them in the cooking broth.

how to make dumplings soup

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