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How to cook at the stake

How to cook at the stake
How to cook at the stake

Video: How to Cook Steak Perfectly Every Time | The Stay At Home Chef 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Steak Perfectly Every Time | The Stay At Home Chef 2024, July

Camping is very popular: on weekends and holidays, if the weather does not disappoint, forests and the banks of ponds are filled with crowds of people who carry bags and backpacks with food and drinks. You can, of course, get along with sandwiches and tea from a thermos, but the food cooked at the stake has a special taste. And if you went camping for several days, you can’t do without a fire at all.


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Instruction manual


First you need to prepare a place for a fire. With a special spatula, remove the sod and move it to the side. Store firewood - dry branches of living trees and dead wood. If you want to make a fire on damp ground or in the snow, lay a few thick branches down, on them - thin dry branches, dry bark of trees, pine or spruce needles. Set fire to this trifle, then gradually lay thicker firewood. If the fire goes out all the time, arrange artificial ventilation: often wave a piece of dense material over the fire so that the breeze blows the fire. When the bonfire flares up, it will be possible to throw more damp logs into it - after they have dried in the fire, they will also be engaged.


For the preparation of soups and cereals, it is better to use special pots, which are sold in tourist and hunting stores. In order not to destroy beneficial substances and vitamins, lower the ingredients into boiling water, and when boiling, reduce the intensity of boiling. This is convenient to do by changing the height of the pot over the fire.


The tourist's morning begins with porridge. Depending on how hungry the people are, 80-100 g of cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet) are taken per person, water is 2.5-3 times more. Rinse the cereal, hang a pot of water low over the fire. When the water boils, salt it, pour in the cereal and raise the pot higher so that the porridge only gurgles slightly. When the cereal is cooked, add stew or condensed milk to the porridge, if desired.


One of the joys of hiking is fishing. Depending on the catch, you can cook fish in different ways. Clean large fish, remove entrails, cut off heads, tails and fins. Scraps of large fish and small fish put in a gauze bag, dip in a pot of water. Put the pot on the fire. When the water boils, add the cereal (1.5-2 tablespoons per serving), raise the pot higher and cook for 20 minutes. Remove cheesecloth with fish stuff, squeeze and discard. In boiling water, dip large fish cut into pieces, diced potatoes, onion and seasonings (roots, pepper, bay leaf). Cook until cooked.


If there are a lot of fish, it can be baked in foil - peel, grate with salt, wrap in foil, bury in ash and cover it with glowing coals.


One of the favorite dishes of all - kebabs. Meat for them needs to be marinated in advance. Dry wine, lemon juice, mayonnaise, kefir or beer are used as marinade, adding onion and spices sliced ​​in rings for flavor. Kebabs need to be fried over smoldering coals, without flame and smoke. Spray the meat periodically with marinade, wine or just water so that it does not dry out. On the coals you can pour a few handfuls of coarse salt so that there is no soot and tongues of flame.


If you go to the forest, walk around the parking lot, look for herbs for tea. The leaves of wild strawberries, sage, oregano, linden flowers are great. Boil water over high heat, remove the pot and pour tea leaves with collected herbs. You can do without tea leaves - forest tea will be tasty and aromatic, not to mention the benefits.


Before you leave the parking lot, collect garbage. Burn paper and organic remains, squeeze cans, burn on a fire and bury. Lay the removed sod on the fire.

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