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How to cook roe meat

How to cook roe meat
How to cook roe meat

Video: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Cook Venison With A Red Wine & Chocolate Sauce | The F Word 2024, July

Video: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Cook Venison With A Red Wine & Chocolate Sauce | The F Word 2024, July

Beef, pork, lamb

These types of meat have long and firmly entered the menu of Russian residents. Surely every housewife has a couple of recipes for their preparation. And what to do if in the hypermarket you come across more exotic meat, for example, roe deer. Pass by?! In no case! Roe deer meat is unusually tender, juicy, and it’s not difficult to cook it. Try cooking roe deers in cranberry sauce and serve with celery salad. Guests will be delighted!


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For 4 servings:
    • 750 g of roe deer pulp from the hind leg;
    • a pinch of salt and ground black pepper;
    • 10-12 dry juniper berries;
    • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
    • 25 g of peeled almonds.
    • For the sauce:
    • 75 g lingonberry jam;
    • 50 ml of red wine.
    • For salad:
    • 50 g of iceberg lettuce leaves
    • lettuce and radicchio (red salad);
    • 1 medium celery root;
    • 1 sour apple;
    • 1 medium red bell pepper;
    • 3 tbsp. l lemon juice;
    • 3 tbsp. l cream 22% percent fat;
    • some salt;
    • a pinch of white pepper.

Instruction manual


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.


Wash the meat, remove the veins.


Pound the juniper berries in a mortar.


Rub the roe with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries. Then dress it with strong threads or thin twine so that the meat looks like a single piece, hiding all the thin, dangling pieces inside.


In a stewpan, heat the vegetable oil and fry the roe deer in it to a brown crust, constantly turning the meat.


Place the stewpan with meat in the oven and bake for 1 hour. During this time, it is necessary to pour meat at least two times with the resulting juice.


Chop the salad. To do this, tear washed and dried lettuce leaves into large pieces. Peel the celery, rinse, cut into thin strips. Wash the apple, cut with seeds and cut into thin strips. For red bell pepper, remove the seeds, rinse it from the inside, shake off water, chop. Whip the cream into a thick foam, add a drop of lemon juice, a little salt and white pepper. Pour over the salad and mix.


Make the sauce. Add lingonberry jam and red wine to the juice formed during frying meat, boil quickly. Put the roe deer slices in the sauce and warm over low heat for 7-10 minutes.


In a dry hot skillet, fry the almonds for 3-4 minutes.


Put roe deer meat on a serving plate, pour sauce, sprinkle with roasted almonds.

Bon Appetit!


The younger the roe deer, the more tender and juicier the dishes prepared from it. When buying meat, pay attention to its color and smell. Red meat with dark veins, besides having a strong "meat" smell, is not worth it: it is the meat of old, large animals. To make it tasty, it must be thoroughly soaked in vinegar and cooked for a long time. When buying, give preference to meat with a pink tint, whitish streaks, without a pronounced specific smell.

The most useful meat is roe deer, shot in August-September, until the animal has consumed the beneficial substances accumulated in the summer.

Useful advice

Roe deer can also be cooked in foil, grilled, stewed in pots with cauliflower and green beans.

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