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How do French women keep their figure?

How do French women keep their figure?
How do French women keep their figure?

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Video: 15 Fashion Mistakes French Women Never Do I French Style Guide 2024, July

They say that French women are not getting better

This stereotype has long haunted me. Therefore, in France, I watched with interest how and what the French eat, and how they look.


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“Eating and not getting better” is the dream of so many women all over the world. Unfortunately, so far only a dream. But French women (for the most part), as it turned out, really know how to eat so that the figure does not deteriorate.

French diet - what is it like?

For breakfast you will get a fresh croissant with a cup of coffee, maybe even yogurt. Yes, the French have breakfast not too plentifully. Lunch (and dinner too) is much more plentiful, as it seems at first glance. The secret lies in not very large portions and enjoy the taste of food. The French eat slowly, so slowly that it is a little annoying at first. They chew each piece for a long time, simultaneously talking about something. By the way, do you remember about 20 minutes? It takes our brain about 20 minutes to realize that the stomach is full. And in 20 minutes you can eat so much that you can’t get up from a chair either. And the French eat slowly, so they do not eat so much that they then feel heaviness in the stomach.

But after all, they eat a decent portion of the main dish, eat fatty cheeses and a delicious dessert, washed down with wine! Still, the calorie content of the food should also be considered. Yes, this is true, the food is very high in calories. However, the French often go on foot, unlike many of our compatriots who get on the bus to pass a single stop. The Frenchman is more likely to walk or ride a bicycle.

Alas, not everyone does not always have the opportunity to have a full dinner, which is why the French eat fast food. But, of course, in smaller quantities than the Americans. Many in France prefer healthy, wholesome foods to harmful burgers and cola.

I must say: the fact that all French women are completely slim like birches is a myth. Most of them try to take care of themselves and keep themselves in shape, but there are chubby girls. However, it is from the French and their relationship to food and meals is worth taking an example.

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