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What are the benefits of raw champignons

What are the benefits of raw champignons
What are the benefits of raw champignons

Table of contents:

Video: The Top Nutrients in Mushrooms Explained By Dr.Berg 2024, July

Video: The Top Nutrients in Mushrooms Explained By Dr.Berg 2024, July

Champignons have long been used in the culinary of different countries. Not surprising, because they have a pleasant taste and speed of preparation. But the most interesting is that these mushrooms are the only ones that can be consumed raw.


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Composition and benefits of raw champignons

Champignons are almost 90% water, so they are classified as low-calorie foods. They also contain up to 4% of easily digestible protein, almost 2% of fiber, 1.5% of the minerals necessary for the body and 1% of fat. Moreover, the protein contained in these mushrooms is rich in 18 amino acids, most of which are not synthesized by the human body, but only through food. And fat contains lecithin, which helps strengthen the nervous system and improves brain function.

Champignons are also rich in vitamins, especially a lot of B vitamins - folic and pantothenic (B5) acids, thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2). They also contain nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), vitamins A, C and D. These mushrooms enrich the body with a large amount of minerals - potassium, which stimulates the metabolism of copper, iron, calcium and phosphorus. They contain such important trace elements as zinc, selenium and manganese.

Moreover, the largest amount of these valuable substances is stored in fresh champignons. That is why such mushrooms help strengthen immunity, eliminate harmful substances from the body and reduce bad cholesterol. In addition, they have a positive effect on metabolism, help fight colds and viral diseases, protect a person from diabetes and other serious diseases, and also help maintain a beautiful figure.

Contraindications to the use of raw champignons

Despite the obvious benefits of raw champignons, they are contraindicated in patients with oncology, as these mushrooms contain a large amount of folic acid. And due to the presence of heavy fiber in the composition of champignons, people with problems with the digestive tract should not use this product. And of course, mushrooms in any form are not recommended for children under 5 years of age - for their delicate stomach and intestines it will be too heavy food.

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