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We decorate the New Year's table: we make Christmas trees from cheese

We decorate the New Year's table: we make Christmas trees from cheese
We decorate the New Year's table: we make Christmas trees from cheese

Video: 100 DIY DECOR IDEAS for 100K SUBSCRIBERS! 2024, July

Video: 100 DIY DECOR IDEAS for 100K SUBSCRIBERS! 2024, July

Perhaps, not a single New Year's table is complete without cheese or sausage slices. So why not diversify this dish and make it a beautiful cheese Christmas tree?

Moreover, it is done in 10 minutes.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - a cucumber (more precisely, a circle from it, for the base), instead of a cucumber, you can take half a green apple;

  • - any cheese (hard, but plastic);

  • - olives;

  • - wooden skewer;

  • - greens - for decoration.

Instruction manual


Cut a circle of cucumber. It must be thick enough to withstand our Christmas tree. Insert a wooden skewer into the cucumber.

Or cut a half of a green apple and use it as a basis for the Christmas tree.


Cheese is cut into triangles of different sizes (thinly).

We take the cheese triangles of a larger size, begin to string them on a skewer at the base in a circle. So string three pieces of cheese looking in different directions, then one olive.


Then we take three smaller pieces of cheese and repeat the previous paragraph (three cheese pieces + one olive). The closer to the top, the smaller cheese triangles we use.


The crown can be decorated with a star cut out of red pepper.


Sprinkle a plate with herringbone greens.

Useful advice

Similarly, you can make a Christmas tree of sausage, cucumbers, fruits.

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