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Beets for weight loss: reviews

Beets for weight loss: reviews
Beets for weight loss: reviews

Table of contents:

Video: Can Beets Boost Performance? The Benefits of Beet Root & Nitric Oxide for Athletes - Thomas DeLauer 2024, July

Video: Can Beets Boost Performance? The Benefits of Beet Root & Nitric Oxide for Athletes - Thomas DeLauer 2024, July

Beets are rich in vitamins, valuable trace elements and fiber, it is recommended to use it with low hemoglobin and digestive problems. Root vegetables are also included in some popular diets. However, before starting the weight loss program, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and understand how to properly include beets in the menu.


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About the benefits of beets


Like many other vegetables, beets must be present in a balanced menu. This root crop contains relatively few calories (about 42 units per 100 g of product), while its nutritional value is high. The vegetable is rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, which positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. In addition, beets include many useful substances. It:

  1. B vitamins that accelerate metabolic processes, improve skin condition, increase hemoglobin.

  2. Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

  3. A complex of natural acids (oxalic, lactic, malic), which stimulates the proper digestion of food and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

  4. Betaine, accelerating the breakdown of proteins and their absorption by the body.

  5. Magnesium that increases stress resistance.

  6. Zinc, which improves digestion and stimulates weight loss.

  7. Manganese, stimulating natural metabolism.

  8. Chlorine that cleanses the internal organs of body fat.

In addition, root crops contain iron, pectin, copper, and other valuable micro and macro elements. With proper use, beetroot improves the digestion of animal proteins, prevents the formation of fat deposits, and effectively fights dangerous visceral fat. The vegetable protects the liver and kidneys, contributing to the natural cleansing of organisms from decay products, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of beets reduces the risk of depression and pressure fluctuations that often accompany low-calorie diets. It has been proven that raw beets have a pronounced antitumor effect and can be recommended for cancer prevention.

Among the advantages of root crops - increased stress resistance and endurance of the body. The product is useful in intensive training, it provides a feeling of satiety for a long time and prevents overeating. People who lead an active lifestyle note that the inclusion of salads and mashed beets in the daily menu helps to reduce the total calorie content of the diet and allows you to follow a diet longer, avoiding overeating and breakdowns.

Contraindications: when beets are not beneficial


Despite many positive aspects, beets are not suitable for everyone. Raw beets and dishes from it are not recommended for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes of various nature, chronic kidney diseases, gastritis and ulcers. The root crop cannot be eaten with individual food intolerance, hypertension and high acidity. In the stage of remission, dosed use is possible under the supervision of a physician.

In order for beets to bring only benefits, you need to carefully monitor the body's reaction and properly combine the products. It is advisable to use the root crop in combination with other vegetables, preferably every other day or less. At first, the portions should be small, gradually the amount of product can be increased. Intensive diet programs allow the daily use of beets, but this diet can be adhered to no longer than 3-4 days. Then you need to take a break, after 2 weeks the detox program can be repeated.

Nutritionists believe that raw beets are most beneficial. When boiling or baking, some useful elements, such as betaine, are destroyed. At the same time, the raw product is more difficult to digest and can provoke problems with the stomach and intestines. It is recommended to alternate raw, boiled and baked beets, while a single serving should not exceed 100 g.

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