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Sea buckthorn juice: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking

Sea buckthorn juice: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking
Sea buckthorn juice: a step by step recipe with photos for easy cooking

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Video: Simple Sea buckthorn recipes - Part 1 2024, July

Video: Simple Sea buckthorn recipes - Part 1 2024, July

Sea buckthorn juice is rich in vitamins A and C, valuable amino acids and natural oils. It supports the body in case of malaise, accelerates recovery, prevents seasonal autitaminosis. In addition, freshly squeezed juice is very tasty and perfect for home canning. On its basis, you can make fruit drinks, jelly, sauces and many other interesting dishes.


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Sea buckthorn juice: features and benefits


Sea buckthorn juice preserves all the beneficial properties of fresh berries. It contains many vitamins, amino acids, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. The nutritional value of the product is high, the drink is well absorbed, stimulates digestion and increases appetite. Freshly squeezed juice does not contain excess calories, it can be diluted with water, adjusting the concentration and saturation. Sea buckthorn juice is often harvested for the winter, with proper storage, all vitamins and valuable trace elements remain in it.

On the basis of homemade concentrate, you can make a lot of delicious, healthy and original desserts: fruit drinks, mousses, jelly. It is worth considering that sugar or honey will increase the calorie content of the product, therefore safe components, for example, Stevia syrup (not more than 128 kcal per 100 g), are often added to juice intended for a diet. Interesting recipes for original and classic desserts are found in many cookbooks; on their basis it is easy to come up with your own options.

How to make sea buckthorn juice: step by step instructions


To make the juice truly healthy and tasty, ripe sea buckthorn berries are needed. They are collected in early autumn, after the first frosts. A short-term decrease in temperature stimulates the concentration of nutrients and vitamins, the value of the product increases significantly.

After collecting the berries you need to sort out, removing garbage, rinse in several waters and dry, sprinkling on a towel. For greater safety, after rinsing, sea buckthorn can be rinsed with boiling water.

The easiest way to get juice is with the help of modern electrical appliances. Pour washed and dried berries into a container of a juicer, dilute the resulting concentrate with filtered boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The remaining cake should not be thrown away, it is useful for cooking homemade fruit drinks, jelly and stewed fruit.

Thick juice with pulp is very useful. Make it simple: just pass the berries through the blender several times. In the process, not only the sea buckthorn shell will be crushed, but also the seeds containing valuable oil. Such a drink can not be stored for a long time, it is recommended to breed and drink it immediately after preparation.

You can make juice using a useful appliance - a juicer. The recipe is simple: 1 kg of sea buckthorn and 1 glass of sugar are poured into a bowl of a juicer, close the lid and turn on the appliance. In the process, the finished juice will pour out of the tube. It is poured into clean dry cans and rolled up with lids. After cooling, the drink can be stored. An important condition is to preserve vitamins, you need to place the jars in a cool dark place, away from direct sunlight.

Juice for the winter: phased preparation


For the winter, you can prepare tasty and healthy juice with the addition of honey. The drink contains a moderate amount of calories, is easily digested, has a pleasant delicate taste. Juice with honey is recommended for vitamin deficiency, poor digestion, and appetite problems.


  • 600 g of selected ripe sea-buckthorn;

  • 150 ml of filtered or bottled water;

  • 170 g of liquid natural honey.

Rinse berries, pour over boiling water, dry on a towel. Pass sea buckthorn through a juicer, strain the resulting liquid through a double layer of gauze or a fine mesh sieve. Pour concentrated juice into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes without covering.

Cool the drink, add liquid honey, mix well. Pour juice into sterilized bottles or jars, tighten tightly with clean, dry lids. It is better to store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn juice without boiling


An easy homemade recipe to preserve all the vitamins contained in fresh berries. Juice prepared in this way can be used as a concentrate for desserts; the product is quite suitable for storage. The proportions of sugar and citric acid vary depending on the type of sea buckthorn. The sweeter the berries, the less sugar will be needed.


  • 1 kg of ripe sea buckthorn berries;

  • 400 g of granulated sugar;

  • whisper of citric acid.

Sort sea buckthorn, rinse and dry. Put the berries in a blender, turn into mashed potatoes. Grind it through a sieve, separating the cake. Pour sugar and citric acid, mix thoroughly.

Arrange the concentrate in sterilized jars and close tightly. Before use, the juice is diluted with clean water, if desired, the drink can be sweetened.

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