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Benefits of Puer Tea

Benefits of Puer Tea
Benefits of Puer Tea

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Video: Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea on Health 2024, July

Video: Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea on Health 2024, July

Chinese tea is not just a means of quenching thirst, but a whole philosophy of life. And a special place in it is occupied by puer, whose homeland is the mysterious Tibet. The specific taste and aroma of this amazing drink is due to the characteristics of the variety from which it is made, as well as the most complicated method of fermentation. The same factors explain why the benefits of puer tea are so high.


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Drink from hundreds of ailments

In the homeland of puer, they are sure that this drink helps to heal a person from at least a hundred ailments. In Russia, he appeared a couple of decades ago, but even in such a short time he managed to win a lot of fans. The benefits of puer tea explain why so much attention is riveted on it.

In the XXI century, the problem of obesity is most acute. So, based on the results of numerous studies, French scientists attributed puerh to natural remedies that allow you to "start" the mechanism of metabolic processes in an enhanced mode. This contributes to a better breakdown of fats in the human body and increase its physical activity. It is enough to drink a cup of puer before each meal (especially if it is saturated with calories), not excluding physical activity, and the weight will begin to decrease.

In addition, tannin, which is part of this drink, gives the body vitality and energy. It is noticed that, drunk immediately before responsible work, puer mobilizes vitality and helps a person to concentrate.

In a warm (but by no means hot!) Form, puerh has a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa and improves its peristalsis as a whole. Thus, it is a good tool for the prevention of constipation.

Among the other "charms" that indicate the benefits of puer tea are beneficial effects on the liver, the ability to remove toxins and strengthen tooth enamel, as well as lower blood sugar. Also, thanks to its unique composition, the miracle drink is an effective remedy for a hangover.

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