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Eggplant Use

Eggplant Use
Eggplant Use

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Video: Eggplant 101 - How To Use and Work with Eggplant 2024, July

Video: Eggplant 101 - How To Use and Work with Eggplant 2024, July

Violet-black, shiny-brilliant eggplant was born under the hot Indian sun, absorbing its energy and becoming a source of a large number of vitamins and mineral elements. However, at present, most people value this berry for its taste, without trying to figure out what the benefits of eggplant are. But in vain, because the "little blue ones", as people call eggplants, have a number of remarkable properties.


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For health

Eggplant is the main enemy of cholesterol plaques, gout, atherosclerosis and various congestive processes in the gall bladder. The combination of iron and copper improves blood formation processes, and the presence of potassium has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle.

An important nuance: the combination of trace elements such as manganese and zinc also speaks in favor of eggplant. More precisely, it makes it a mandatory part of the diet of people who have had a stroke. The fact is that a deficiency of manganese and zinc leads to the development of Parkinson's disease in this group of patients, and dishes from the "blue ones", in turn, help minimize the risk of its development.

A by-product that can be obtained from purple berries is juice. This is a universal remedy with a strong antiseptic and restorative effect. Lotions of eggplant juice provide early healing of wounds, and its ingestion stops the development of infections.

For harmony

In addition, the use of eggplant is a large number of ballast substances - special dietary fiber that cleanses the human gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins, as well as prevents the occurrence of constipation. By the way, ballast substances do not contain calories at all. Together with low calorie content, this allows you to include eggplant in almost any weight loss program. The main thing is that the purple berry should be steamed, without adding oil.

In addition, the diuretic properties of eggplant will help in the fight against extra pounds. Removing excess water from the body, it not only reduces the burden on internal organs and the vascular system, but also directly affects a person’s weight.

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