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Lush brushwood on kefir: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Lush brushwood on kefir: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Lush brushwood on kefir: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Brushwood on Kefir with Vodka / Book of recipes / Bon Appetit 2024, July

Video: Brushwood on Kefir with Vodka / Book of recipes / Bon Appetit 2024, July

Lush, soft or slightly crispy kefir brushwood is a delicacy from childhood. It was his mothers and grandmothers who made it for the holidays, school tea parties and various gatherings. The treat was sprinkled with icing sugar, served with hot tea or compote. And even now, many housewives indulge children with tasty rich products of an interesting form, checking the recipe from memory with notebooks from the 80s and 90s. There are a lot of cooking options, you can easily choose the right one for every taste.


Pick your recipe

To cook breathtakingly delicious brushwood at home, you must comply with some conditions. Choosing an easy step-by-step recipe, you should pay attention to simple requirements:

  • kefir should not be diluted with water if it is not enough, but a small amount of milk and sour cream are allowed;

  • to give a delicious smell to the delicacy, you can pour vanilla sugar in the desired proportions into the dough;

  • if you put a little sugar, the baking will be pale in appearance, if you shift it, it will acquire a dark brown shade, like a burnt one.

Doing home brushing is necessary in the presence of free time, when no one bothers to cut interesting strips, figures from the dough. Serve it for tea is better cooled, sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

5 tricks from experienced chefs

To prepare fragrant and delicious brushwood on kefir, you need to know 5 secrets of this unusual treat. Only with observance of simple tricks an ordinary-looking treat will turn out to be appetizing, sweet and magnificent.

  1. Kefir must be fresh. Old will be sour or bitter, which will adversely affect the taste of muffin.

  2. You need to take a kefir drink with a fat content of 2.5%. With less fat - too liquid, it will require more flour when kneading, which will negatively affect splendor.

  3. The kneaded dough should be elastic. So that it does not stick to hands, a table, a bowl, it is cool enough and soft.

  4. Formation thickness is needed no more than 5 mm, or even thinner. The quality of the crunch and the softness of brushwood depend on rolling.

  5. Better to fry in ghee. It will give a delicate aroma and a beautiful golden crust, will not smoke much. But expensive vegetable will do, most importantly, to be refined.


Classic recipe without baking powder

The simplest step-by-step recipe for a successful and tasty homemade brushwood does not contain baking powder. Fluffy slightly crunchy delicacy is given by chicken eggs and kefir with a fat content of 2.5%. Such a treat should be prepared half an hour after kneading the dough, frying in heated oil.

What to prepare:

  • fresh kefir - 600 ml;

  • two eggs;

  • sugar - 6 tablespoons;

  • salt - a teaspoon;

  • flour - about 5.5-6 glasses;

  • vanilla sugar - optional;

  • icing sugar;

  • vegetable or ghee.

How to do

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, slowly pouring sugar in small portions.

  2. Pour all the kefir into the mixture, add vanilla powder, salt. Beat again.

  3. Add sifted flour in portions, kneading the dough first with a spoon, then with your hands. When it ceases to stick, leave for half an hour under a towel.

  4. Divide the dough into 2 parts in half, each roll out a layer of about 3 mm thick.

  5. Cut the layers with ordinary squares, rhombuses, stripes, in each workpiece make a cut in the middle with a knife, turn it out through the hole. This is how classic brushwood is made with curls.

  6. Heat the oil in a saucepan or deep fryer, fry the workpieces to a golden color, as in the photo below.

  7. Sprinkle with powder for beauty and a sweeter taste.

With soda for splendor

To make a high-calorie, but tasty rich product turn out to be magnificent, like donuts, it is necessary to add soda to the flour. Interacting with kefir, she will release a lot of carbon dioxide, which will raise the dough. Extinguishing it with something is not necessary. A step-by-step recipe for lush homemade yogurt on yogurt is almost no different from the classic one, with the addition of ingredients, they only pour half a teaspoon of baking soda into yogurt.

The ingredients are mixed alternately, the workpieces are formed, cutting the strips with an ordinary knife or a special device with curly teeth. Fry the pieces, given that the brushwood will increase significantly in volume. You get such dummies, as in the photo below. Sprinkle with powder and served with tea.


With vodka for softness

Baking at home soft, almost fluffy brushwood is easy - adding vodka to the dough will help with kneading. This step-by-step clear recipe was also used by our mothers, as a result of getting a treat with a porous structure and a very delicious golden crust. For those who do not count carbohydrates and calories in the preparation of the menu, you can try to make sweets for tea with vodka.

What to prepare:

  • kefir 2.5% - 0.5 l;

  • vodka - 4 tablespoons;

  • four eggs;

  • sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;

  • salt is not a whole teaspoon;

  • soda - 1.5 teaspoons;

  • flour - about 5-6 glasses;

  • frying oil;

  • icing sugar for sprinkling.

How to do

  1. First mix all the liquid ingredients in stages, then the dry ones. Pour vodka into the kefir-egg mixture.

  2. Roll out the finished dough as thin as possible, cut with a knife.

  3. Feed brushwood in the form of spirals, curls or nodules.

  4. Fry in hot oil, cool.

  5. Sprinkle with powder.

Dry yeast

To make lush brushwood yourself, you can add dry baker's yeast to the recipe. They will add porosity and softness to the finished treat. If desired, some or all of the sugar can easily be replaced with honey.

What to prepare:

  • fresh kefir - 200 ml;

  • two eggs;

  • sugar or honey - 4 tablespoons;

  • dry yeast in powder - sachet;

  • salt - half a teaspoon;

  • butter - 80 g;

  • flour - 600 g;

  • frying oil.

How to do

  1. Melt the butter in the microwave.

  2. Kefir warm slightly, sift the flour.

  3. Mix dry yeast, honey (or sugar) in kefir, let stand for 15 minutes.

  4. Pour the whipped eggs, oil into the mixture, salt the mass.

  5. Pouring flour in portions, knead elastic dough.

  6. Leave in a bowl for 1.5 hours, covering with a towel and a bag.

  7. Roll out a medium-thick layer (4-5 mm), cut into diamonds, stripes, twist, fry in vegetable oil.

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