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Basic Fig Information

Basic Fig Information
Basic Fig Information

Table of contents:

Video: Nutritional Benefits of Figs | Info About Fig Wasps 2024, July

Video: Nutritional Benefits of Figs | Info About Fig Wasps 2024, July

Figs are a rather rare fruit. Surely many see him in large stores, but few decide to purchase it. And very few people know about its properties. Figs have a lot of useful properties. It is noteworthy that the use of this fruit gives almost no side effects and has very few contraindications.


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What is fig?

The most useful and at the same time mysterious fruit. It does not grow in Russia, so it is practically not familiar to Russian customers. At the same time, it can be found on the shelves of supermarkets, however, not many decide to buy it, and even less people know about the beneficial properties of this fruit.

What kind of fruit miracle is this? Doctors have proven that there are a lot of useful and healing properties in figs. Fresh fig fruits have many different sugars, as well as organic acids. Some varieties of figs contain up to 71% sugar. This fruit contains citric acid, and glyceric acid can be found in mature figs. The fruit is rich in iron and copper.

Useful properties of figs

Figs relieve hunger, restore vitality and energy. It does not cause thirst. This fruit helps in the treatment of poisoning, as it is able to normalize the work of the stomach. Figs actively stimulate kidney and liver function.

Figs are also useful for angina. If you brew it with hot milk, then it will relieve you of a sore throat, acting at the same time as an antipyretic.

This wonderful fruit will help get rid of dry cough, reduce cholesterol, and can also act as a laxative. There is a lot of potassium in figs, which is indispensable for the proper functioning of the heart.

Gruel from fig fruits can be used to make minor wounds heal faster, and abscesses and tumors become softer.

In a word, this unusual fruit can be useful to the human body with so many ailments.

Contraindications to the use of figs

Fresh figs have virtually no side effects. As contraindications to the use of this fruit, it is possible to highlight such diseases as diabetes mellitus, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout.

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