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Is it possible to freeze green onions and parsley

Is it possible to freeze green onions and parsley
Is it possible to freeze green onions and parsley

Table of contents:

Video: How to Store Spring Onion for Months 2024, July

Video: How to Store Spring Onion for Months 2024, July

Frozen greens are a source of vitamins and minerals in the cold season. Frozen parsley, dill, and onions will not only improve the appearance of the dish, but also fill it with a wonderful aroma in the middle of winter.


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In winter, you often want to enjoy the taste of fresh herbs or vegetables. However, the products offered in stores differ significantly in taste from those grown in the summer in the garden or cottage. Freezing will help to solve this problem easily. It not only does not affect the taste and vitamin qualities of greens, but also retains its familiar appearance and aroma.

How to freeze parsley and spring onions for the winter

In order to cook greens for the winter, thoroughly rinse the branches of parsley or feathers of green onions.

The greens selected for freezing must be cut immediately before the harvesting process so that it does not have time to wither.

Then dry thoroughly with paper towels or paper towels. Cut off the extra ponytails from the parsley and remove the spoiled feathers of the onion. Put the greens in a plastic bag and wrap tightly, releasing all the air from there. In this form, parsley, onions and other herbs can be stored in the freezer for several months.

In order to facilitate future cooking, greens can be cut and then frozen. To do this, also wash and dry the required amount of parsley, finely chop with a sharp knife and put it in a bag or container. Freeze.

Onions can also be cut into small rings before freezing.

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