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Breastfeeding Ice Cream: Opinions

Breastfeeding Ice Cream: Opinions
Breastfeeding Ice Cream: Opinions

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Video: Breastfeeding mom milk 🍼 Review delicious ice cream and share how to feed your baby without porridge 2024, July

Video: Breastfeeding mom milk 🍼 Review delicious ice cream and share how to feed your baby without porridge 2024, July

Ice cream is a favorite dessert of many, characterized by high calorie content. Women weight watchers should monitor the amount of servings and eat a sweet treat no more than 2-3 times a week. Nursing mothers should be especially careful: ice cream can provoke an allergy or an upset stomach and even cause a baby’s malaise.


Pick your recipe

Ice cream: benefits and harms for nursing mothers


Ice cream is a well-chilled product, which includes cream or milk, milk fat, sugar or its substitute. In addition, an ordinary briquette or cup includes many related components: thickeners, stabilizers, flavors and flavors. Expensive varieties are prepared from natural dairy products without the addition of vegetable fats, cream substitutes and palm oil are included in the composition of a budget ice cream. There are frozen desserts, which do not include milk at all: granola and sorbets. Another variation of sweet cold treats is frozen yogurt, which can be ordered in a cafe or cooked at home.

The nutritional value of ice cream depends on the composition and variety. The leader in caloric content is a classic ice cream prepared with natural cream, up to 250 kcal in 100 grams of the product. Creamy chocolate ice cream is not far behind. Milk dessert contains fewer calories - up to 180 and below. Fruit ice does not include fats, but is high in calories due to its high sugar content. The most dietary option is a special ice cream on harmless sugar substitutes, recommended for diabetics. Good and sugar-free frozen yogurt, in which sweet berries or fruits act as sweeteners.


Nutritionists believe that ice cream can be eaten in very limited quantities, choosing the most natural formulations. When dosed, it increases the amount of endorphins, fights postpartum depression, and helps improve digestion. Due to the high content of fats and sugar, even a small portion causes a feeling of satiety and prevents overeating.

Unfortunately, ice cream has many shortcomings. These include high calorie content, an abundance of supplements that can negatively affect health. The composition of the finished dessert often includes waffles, raisins, chocolate chips, nuts, jam, caramel. Such options are not suitable for nursing mothers, you should also refuse sweet toppings like jam, whipped cream, chocolate syrup.

Ice cream in the diet of a nursing mother: a phased approach


If a woman does not have lactose intolerance or allergies to one or another component that is part of the treat, nutritionists recommend using ice cream in small portions, carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. The cause of anxiety may be anxiety, a rash on the body, diarrhea. In this case, ice cream must be discarded. An alternative is unsweetened fruit ice from juice, which does not cause allergies in the baby. Fresh from citrus or strawberries will not work, it is much safer than apple, pear, watermelon or melon. You can make assorted desserts by mixing 2-3 types of juice.

Usually a child normally responds to a small portion of high-quality ice cream. It is advisable to choose a product with a minimum of artificial additives, and even better to prefer frozen yogurt. Do not buy ice cream in glaze or fruit ice - these types contain many simple carbohydrates, fats, dyes and flavors. You should not eat soft ice cream, the risk of salmonella infection is high. You can not buy a product that has undergone a secondary freeze, it can provoke intestinal disorders in mother and baby. In order not to catch a cold, eating ice cream, it is advisable to use it with tea or coffee.

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