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Chicken stock with semolina dumplings

Chicken stock with semolina dumplings
Chicken stock with semolina dumplings

Video: Chicken Soup with Semolina Dumplings. Supa de pui cu galuste. ''London Style''. 2024, July

Video: Chicken Soup with Semolina Dumplings. Supa de pui cu galuste. ''London Style''. 2024, July

Any chicken stock is a lightweight version of chicken soup, usually made with just a few ingredients. If you cook chicken broth and add semolina dumplings to it, you get a fairly common Ukrainian dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For four servings:

  • - 500 g of chicken;

  • - 100 g of semolina;

  • - 2 eggs;

  • - 2 carrots;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - 2 parsley roots;

  • - 1 celery;

  • - 50 g of greens;

  • - 30 g of butter;

  • - salt.

Instruction manual


Pour the chicken with cold water, bring to a boil. Remove the foam, add onions, carrots, parsley, celery (chop all these ingredients coarsely).


Salt the broth to taste, cook it until tender. It should turn out a golden rich broth.


Remove the chicken from the pan, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces.


Strain the broth so that it becomes even brighter, put it on the stove again, add chicken meat.


From semolina, knead the dough by adding salt, eggs, butter. Divide the dough into dumplings, dip them into the broth. Cook together for 5 minutes.


Pour the prepared chicken broth with dumplings into soup plates, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs on top. Serve hot.

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