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Healthy eating

Chinese culinary traditions for beauty and health

Chinese culinary traditions for beauty and health
Chinese culinary traditions for beauty and health

Video: 8 Chinese Beauty Foods That'll Make You Look Stunning, CiCi Li 2024, July

Video: 8 Chinese Beauty Foods That'll Make You Look Stunning, CiCi Li 2024, July

Discarding myths about the unusual spiciness of the Chinese food, you should get to know it better. The cooking technology in China involves a combination of different tastes: sweet and salty, bitter and sour, and even all in one. This is done in order to understand harmony. The harmony of taste, health, wisdom and longevity. The medicine of this country considers food a medicine with which you can not only prevent the disease, but also extend a healthy life.


Pick your recipe

Equating food with medicine, the Chinese are advised to approach the selection of products carefully. Moreover, they indicate that this choice depends on the individuality of the organism of a particular person. But nevertheless some rules were found that were acceptable to all people.

Energy balance

In order for yin and yang to exist in equilibrium, extremes in nutrition must be avoided.

Low volume

For one sitting you should not load yourself with a large amount of food. For health and beauty, do not break the tradition, you need to eat food three times a day.

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The Chinese believe that fasting makes the energy of qi's life freeze, and the blood freezes in the spleen. Fasting, in their opinion, should be those who have a stomach always full.

Plenty of water

To maintain kidney function and complexion, the body needs a certain amount of water. For a day you need to fill it with at least 1.5 liters of liquid. In this case, the body should not receive alcohol, because it does not contribute to the acquisition of inner harmony.

Food temperature

The Chinese believe that dishes should have yin or yang energy. The former "cool" the gusts of the body, the latter - "heat".

Yang will be strengthened if you eat warm food, yin - if you eat cold food. Again, remember that you should not take everything to extremes.

How to cook healthy food

Products should only be used fresh.

Cooking methods are either stewing or boiling.

Dishes should not be frozen for later consumption.

The diet should consist of foods that balance yin and yang.

Yang is enhanced by stewing, cooking, roasting and smoking, the use of spices.

Yin is gaining strength with the use of fruits, tomatoes, lemon juice and yogurt.

The rules of healthy eating

You can’t eat hastily, food should be chewed carefully and for a long time

- When eating, do not think about anything bad, only good

- After eating, do a light massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction and brush your teeth well

- After eating should come a rest or walk

The effect of food on brain functionality

In the pursuit of a good figure, many forget that thoughtful and spontaneous diets are harmful to the body, especially they harm the brain. It is necessary to include in the diet those products that are able to thin the blood, contributing to its good circulation. These are walnuts and peanuts, vegetable oil and oily fish.

Its energy is supported by glucose, so before limiting yourself to some time in food, you should carefully weigh the consequences of this heroic step.

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