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What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach

What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach
What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach

Video: 20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach 2024, July

Video: 20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach 2024, July

Breakfast is the basis of the day. This is a well-known fact. He charges us with energy, giving us the strength to solve everyday problems. Accordingly, breakfast should be nutritious and healthy for the body. But, as it turned out, not all products with such qualities can make up the morning diet. Let's see what foods you can’t eat on an empty stomach and why.


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This group includes oranges, kiwi, pineapple and other fruits, the use of which on an empty stomach can cause allergies and provoke gastritis. Therefore, before drinking a glass of citrus juice, it is necessary to have breakfast with oatmeal.


These fruits are also blacklisted for breakfast, as they contain a lot of magnesium. This element is responsible for the regulation of the cardiovascular system. Experts say that eating bananas in the morning on an empty stomach can upset the balance of calcium and magnesium in the body. And this, in turn, will reduce stress resistance, cause weakness, dizziness and arrhythmia.

Raw vegetables

Fresh salads and just raw vegetables in themselves are very healthy foods rich in trace elements and fiber. However, do not forget about the acids that they contain. It is because of this component that experts do not recommend eating raw vegetables on an empty stomach - this can cause gastritis and even a stomach ulcer.


Perhaps, many will be surprised, but yogurt also got into the notorious black list. And all because of the sour milk bacteria that are contained in it. As it turned out, in the morning our body does not need them. Thus, the benefit of this product consumed on an empty stomach, alas, is zero. Nutritionists recommend eating yogurt a couple of hours after breakfast or in the evening.


In the morning, our body just wakes up, and not all organs of the digestive tract are ready to immediately begin to work in full force. Eating sweets on an empty stomach puts stress on the pancreas. She still cannot produce the proper amount of insulin, which leads to an increase in blood sugar.


Oddly enough, but the drink beloved by many cannot be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Of course, we are talking about thick and aromatic brewed coffee. As studies by experts have shown, it irritates the gastric mucosa, which contributes to the production of large amounts of gastric juice. And this can provoke gastritis.

Cold drinks

And the final item on the blacklist is cold drinks. Alas, they cannot properly start the digestion process. Therefore, it is better to replace them with warm ones. By the way, here you can also include water, which some people drink in the morning to facilitate digestion. The temperature of the water should be room or slightly higher.

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