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What products do not fit together

What products do not fit together
What products do not fit together

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Video: Watch Impossible Fit Precision Metal Artistry by dieter stahlwerx! 2024, July

Food stuffs saturate the human body with energy and many useful substances, without which its normal functioning is impossible. Moreover, they bring maximum benefit only if they are correctly combined with each other when used.


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Foods high in fat, starch, or protein are far from always combined. The fact is that completely different enzymes are synthesized for their processing by the stomach. Starch, for example, is absorbed only in an alkaline environment, and some proteins in an acidic environment. Mixing enzymes can adversely affect the digestion process, the quality of absorption of nutrients, and even lead to disruption of microflora in the stomach. And the latter, as you know, helps to reduce immunity.


First of all, protein products are poorly combined with each other: meat, fish and seafood, milk, eggs. That is why it is impossible to eat meat dishes with fish or dairy at one time. The reason is the same - the stomach will have to secrete different enzymes. Also, starchy foods, for example, cereals, root crops, and legumes, are not combined with proteins. It is not recommended to use fats and simple carbohydrates with them.


It is best to eat meat, seafood and eggs with non-starchy vegetables and herbs. An excellent side dish will be a salad of different types of herbs, bell peppers and cucumbers - it will help the intestines and stomach digest heavy proteins and will contribute to their better digestibility.


Complex carbohydrate foods also go poorly together. So, potatoes, bakery products, cereals or pasta can not be eaten together. Firstly, it will negatively affect the work of the stomach, and secondly, it will lead to the rapid gain of excess weight.


Dietitians do not recommend consuming complex carbohydrates even with simple ones, since such a combination provokes fermentation processes in the intestines. For example, bread should not be eaten with jam or grapes. You can not combine carbohydrates and with proteins - it is too hard for the stomach. But complex carbohydrates are normally absorbed with fats or vegetables with a low starch content.


There are also a number of foods that should be eaten separately from any others. Sweets, for example, are perfectly combined with each other, but absolutely do not harmonize with other products. That is why they need to be eaten only half an hour after a meal. The same applies to any fruit, especially bananas and melons that need to be eaten separately, even from other fruits. You can not combine with any other products and milk, which envelops them in the stomach and interferes with rapid breakdown. But sour-milk drinks are in perfect harmony with herbs, sour vegetables and cheeses.

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