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How to salt a silver carp at home

How to salt a silver carp at home
How to salt a silver carp at home

Video: How to Clean and Process Asian Carp - Fast and Easy! 2024, July

Video: How to Clean and Process Asian Carp - Fast and Easy! 2024, July

Silver carp is not only the most affordable, but also a delicious fish, from which many dishes are prepared. This fish can be fried, boiled and pickled, but it is very appetizing that the salty silver carp is obtained.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg of silver carp;

  • - coarse salt;

  • - Bay leaf;

  • - pepper in the form of peas;

  • - granulated sugar;

  • - cloves;

  • - vinegar (9%);

  • - sunflower oil;

  • - bow;

  • - glass jars.

Instruction manual


A silver carp of medium size thoroughly rinse, cut off the head and take out all the insides, then separate the ridge and, if possible, all the bones. In the process of cutting it is absolutely not necessary to remove the skin from the fish. After disassembling the silver carp, rinse well again to remove all contaminants.


Cut the prepared silver carp fillet into small even slices. The best size for pickling is the size of a matchbox.


Sprinkle the cut silver carp with coarse salt and place for 2 hours in a cool place. During this time, the meat of the fish is well salted. In the meantime, cook the marinade. To do this, take a spoonful of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l salt and dissolve in water, add bay leaf, cloves, pepper and other spices that you prefer. Then put on a small fire and simmer for 5 minutes. After the marinade has boiled, leave it to cool naturally. Add vinegar (9%) to the completely cooled marinade, which will muffle the specific smell of silver carp. When vinegar is added, the marinade should acquire a slightly milky hue.


Rinse salted fish with water. Cut the onion into small rings and place it in a glass bowl, in which immediately lower the silver carp fillet. It is best to lay the meat in a glass jar in dense layers, sprinkled with pepper, bay leaf and onion. Then fill the dish with marinade and add some sunflower oil. After that, place salted fish meat in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. After 2 days, the silver carp is ready, and it can be served to the table.


Also, silver carp can be prepared according to the following recipe. Wash the fish, clean as described above, while removing as many seeds as possible. Cut the peeled and chopped meat into small pieces. Then place in a glass container.


Next, sprinkle the meat of silver carp with coarse salt and leave it to salted for 30 minutes. Then fill the fish with vinegar and wait 20 minutes. After the specified time, remove the silver carp and rinse under running water, while squeezing each piece well so that the excess liquid is gone.


At the final stage, put the fish in a glass jar and pour over sunflower oil. Put the blanks in the refrigerator for 1 day. After a day, salty silver carp can be eaten.

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