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How to bake vegetables in foil

How to bake vegetables in foil
How to bake vegetables in foil

Video: How To Foil Roast Dinner - Sausages and Vegetables - Greg's Kitchen 2024, June

Video: How To Foil Roast Dinner - Sausages and Vegetables - Greg's Kitchen 2024, June

Fans of low-calorie foods often include baked vegetables in their diet. This easy to prepare and very tasty dish is suitable for both a regular dinner and a festive table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • tomatoes (small) 150 g;
    • zucchini 150 g;
    • champignons 150 g;
    • green onions;
    • basil;
    • feta cheese 60 g;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • butter 50 g.

Instruction manual


Prepare the vegetables. Wash them and pat dry with paper towels. Cut each tomato in half (if you use Cherry, you can use them whole; cut ordinary tomatoes and remove the stalks from them). Zucchini can be replaced with regular zucchini or eggplant. In any case, pay attention to their peel - in old vegetables it is tough, so it must be cut off. Next, cut them into circles one centimeter wide. If the circles are too large, divide them in half or in quarters. Cut the champignons in half (especially large ones into four parts). Finely chop green onions and basil leaves.


Cut the feta cheese into small cubes. Combine cheese, vegetables and herbs in a deep bowl, add salt, pepper.


Take the foil. Put it on a baking sheet or grill in several layers. Put vegetables in the center, on top of which are a few pieces of butter (twenty to thirty grams each). Wrap the foil so that the vegetables are completely inside. Try not to make holes in the resulting bag.


Try to cook this dish in batches. To do this, you will need a lot of square leaflets of foil (about fifteen by fifteen centimeters). Lay the foil on a baking sheet on top of each other for 3-4 sheets with an offset of ninety degrees. Put vegetables in the center of the resulting squares, put a piece of butter on top. Lift the edges of the foil and fasten them at the top.


Cook vegetables in the oven at 200 degrees (you can use the grill) for about half an hour.


The foil can be replaced with a baking bag - it will also preserve all the juice and aroma of vegetables inside.

Useful advice

You can diversify this dish with any vegetables. Try adding potatoes (do not forget to cut it smaller than other vegetables, as it takes much longer to cook), carrots, bell peppers and others.

baked vegetables in foil in 2018

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