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How to decorate a salad with tomatoes

How to decorate a salad with tomatoes
How to decorate a salad with tomatoes

Video: Super Salad Decoration Ideas - Cucumber & Tomato Rose Carving Garnish 2024, July

Video: Super Salad Decoration Ideas - Cucumber & Tomato Rose Carving Garnish 2024, July

Salads, decorated in various ways, are an integral part of any holiday table. Especially relevant are beautifully and unusually decorated salads in homes where there are small children. It is impossible to imagine a table without decorated salads on a children's matinee, birthday, etc. To decorate a dish, everyone can do it; you just need to show a little imagination.


Pick your recipe

There are many ways to decorate salads with tomatoes. For example, you can make flowers from tomatoes, or put slices nicely in a certain order. The dishes decorated with cherry tomatoes in the form of cherries, tulips, etc. look interesting.

How to make a rose from a tomato

In order to make a beautiful rose from tomato, you must first wash the vegetable thoroughly, then carefully cut the skin off with a knife. It is worth noting that you need to cut it so that you get a "tape" with a length of 10 centimeters or more. The next stage is the creation of the flower itself. To do this, take a toothpick and fix on it one edge of the cut peel (you can just pierce it) and gently wrap it on a toothpick, forming a bud.

Tulips from Tomato

In order to make a bouquet of tulips, it is necessary to use small tomatoes. So, first you need to wash the tomatoes, then cut them lengthwise with a knife so that you get four slices (you only need to cut into the middle of the vegetable). Now, using a small spoon, gently scrape the pulp of a tomato and fill the resulting space with mayonnaise (you can prepare a special thick sauce of light color). As soon as the buds are ready, you can decorate the salad: put the green feathers of the onions (these will be the stems and leaves), and put the “tulips” on them beautifully, forming a bouquet.

Ladybug made of tomato

Making a ladybug from a tomato is very simple. To do this, cut the tomato into two parts (it is better to use a small tomato), take one part and make small holes on the convex side with a toothpick, then place tiny pieces of pre-chopped black olive in them. Now you need to make a head and antennae. As a head, you can use a quarter of olives, and as a mustache - any greens.

Cherry Tomato

Making cherries from tomatoes is very easy. To do this, cut the washed tomato in half (it is better to take a small vegetable), put the slices on a dish next to each other, then use a green leaf to make a twig with cuttings.

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