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How to Decorate Stuffed Pike

How to Decorate Stuffed Pike
How to Decorate Stuffed Pike

Video: Как приготовить фаршированную щуку. | How to cook stuffed pike. 2024, July

Video: Как приготовить фаршированную щуку. | How to cook stuffed pike. 2024, July

Stuffed pike is a delicious expensive dish, which is an integral part of the festive table. In Russia, it was customary to stuff pike for weddings and other major holidays.


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Instruction manual


Perhaps the easiest way to decorate a stuffed pike is to decorate with mayonnaise. Take any mayonnaise in soft packaging, the tip of which has a threaded neck. Click on the packet of sauce and “draw” beautiful patterns on the fish (through a thin neck the mayonnaise will carefully exit the package). Draw flowers or just wavy lines. Volume them up by lifting a packet of mayonnaise up.


Garnish stuffed pike with vegetables. Take a cucumber and a sharp knife. Start making zigzag cuts in a circle through the vegetable. Gradually deepen the cuts. When you cut a large enough portion of the vegetable, divide the halves. You will get a beautiful flower with thin sharp petals. Put olive or olive inside the flower. Please note that pickled cucumber is easier to curly cut than fresh. You can make a similar flower from a fresh tomato.


With a sharp knife, peel the apple, separating the peel from the pulp. Try to cut the peel with a smooth, even strip. The longer the “shavings”, the more beautiful the decoration will be. When you peel the whole apple, wrap its peel in a neat flower. Let it gradually expand from the middle, increasing in diameter.


If you serve a pike cut into portions, fold these pieces into a fish shape. Put slices of lemon between the slices. Such a layer will be both a decor and a guarantee of hygiene in your dish.


Peel the purple onion. Divide it into thin half rings. Put onion slices on the dish, directing the half rings in one direction. Put them in a circle so that the "rays" out of the common center. Put olive or olive in the center of the "flower".


Take raw or boiled carrots and peel them. With a curly knife, cut off five longitudinal lines from its surface. After that, start cutting carrots with a regular knife into circles. You will get bright beautiful flowers.

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