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How to salt trevushki mushrooms

How to salt trevushki mushrooms
How to salt trevushki mushrooms

In the forests of the middle strip, trevushki grow from June to October. The main crop falls in the second half of August - the beginning of September, when the mushroom enters into force and is distinguished by particularly high palatability. It can be distinguished by a characteristic hat - on the edges it is furry, woolly. Adherents of the "silent hunt" know - this is a conditionally edible mushroom, and before use it must be thermally processed. Most housewives prefer to salt the traps.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 bucket of waves;
    • 200 g of coarse salt;
    • 1 cabbage leaf;
    • spices to taste (dill
    • allspice
    • cherry
    • black currant
    • bay leaf, etc.).

Instruction manual


Select young specimens with a cap diameter of up to 4 cm for salting of the flappers. They should be strong, with the edges curled inside ("curls"). Cook white and pink species separately.


Immediately after collecting or buying, clean the mushrooms dry with a brush with a stiff bristle and a knife tip; Leave only 1/3 of the legs. Volnushki (especially young ones) are rarely affected by worms, however, carefully examine them. Affected mushrooms should be discarded.


Pour raw materials with cool water and leave to soak for two days. Every 4-5 hours, it is necessary to change the liquid - then the mushrooms will not turn sour, and excess bitterness will come out of them. Then drain the water and once again clean the waves with a brush, then dry on a sieve.


Layers of mushrooms in 5-7 cm each shift the dry tops of dill with seeds. Pour threshing rolls and dill with table salt at the rate of 1 cup per 5 l of mushrooms. Pour a salt layer of 1.5-2 cm thick on top of the container, cover with a clean and dry cabbage leaf and leave it in a cool, dark place for 40-50 days. Before serving, salted traps are recommended to be soaked in cold water during the day.


The recipe for salty waves can be modified: put spices and seasonings only on the bottom and on the top layer of mushrooms. In the aromatic composition, add to your taste bay leaf, allspice peas, cloves, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, sprigs of cherries. Salt is taken at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of waves. I overthrow put a wooden circle on the diameter of the container and bends.


Store salted traps at temperatures from 0 ° C to - 10 ° C, avoiding sudden fluctuations. With warmer air, the mushrooms turn sour, and in the cold they begin to crumble.


The hot salting method will help save time on preserving the thrush. It is enough to soak the mushrooms in water during the day, and then scald with boiling water and hold in hot water for 30 minutes. After this time, fold the traps on a sieve, rinse with cold water and let the moisture drain. Fill the mushrooms further, as in cold salting.


For salting the threshing flakes, use coarse salt (No. 0-1), always non-iodized - from iodine the mushrooms quickly turn sour.

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