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How to make a pita snack

How to make a pita snack
How to make a pita snack

Video: Pita Chips 4 Ways 2024, July

Video: Pita Chips 4 Ways 2024, July

Lavash appetizer is a great alternative to shop chips. The dish is prepared very quickly, does not require any expensive ingredients, but it turns out incredibly tasty. Lavash appetizer can be a complement to beer or a crispy treat for children.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -thin pita bread - 1 pc.;

  • - hard cheese - 150 g;

  • - garlic - 1 clove (you can and more, it all depends on your own preferences);

  • - chicken egg - 1 piece;

  • -fresh greens: parsley, dill and more;

  • flavourless sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.;

  • breadcrumbs - 100 g.

Instruction manual


To make a delicious appetizer of pita bread, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Grind the cheese on a grater, wash the greens, dry, cut, peel the garlic, pass through a press. Combine the prepared products in one dish, mix everything.


The egg should be broken into a convenient dish and stirred until smooth, pour the breadcrumbs onto a flat dish. When the preparation is finished, you can start stuffing pita bread. To do this, fold the sheet of the product in half, and then cut with scissors along the fold line.


Take one sheet of pita bread and, armed with a spoon, put a prepared filling in a strip. Carefully roll the pita bread with a tube, the filling should be hidden in 2 layers of the sheet.


Dip the prepared tube into the egg mass, and then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry the workpiece in vegetable oil on both sides. It should be a beautiful crust.


When preparing snacks from pita bread, it is important to ensure that the filling does not leak. The cheese should melt, but not run away. For a change, ready-made tubes can be sprinkled with sesame seeds, as well as prepare a delicious sauce for the dish.


Having tried once to prepare a snack of pita bread, in the future you can experiment with fillings, for example, cheese goes well with tomatoes, most importantly, choose meaty tomatoes.

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