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How to make whiskey at home

How to make whiskey at home
How to make whiskey at home

Video: How to Make WHISKEY at Home 10 YEAR OLD in ONLY 10 DAYS 🥃 Homemade WHISKY without tools 😉 2024, July

Video: How to Make WHISKEY at Home 10 YEAR OLD in ONLY 10 DAYS 🥃 Homemade WHISKY without tools 😉 2024, July

Whiskey is a strong alcoholic beverage made using traditional technology. You can try to make whiskey yourself. Let the resulting drink not be considered original, but you can be sure of its quality.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 8 kg of corn
    • 1 kg of wheat flour
    • high capacity
    • 3 buckets of water
    • 100 g yeast
    • barley malt
    • alcohol distillation apparatus
    • pieces of oak wood

Instruction manual


Crush the corn to a state of small grains, in extreme cases, you can take ordinary corn grits. Mix the corn with flour, put in a container containing at least 50 liters. Pour the mixture with boiled water, light a small fire under the pan and boil the wort for about 4-5 hours with occasional stirring. In the end, you should get a liquid slurry.


Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a blanket, let the contents cool slowly to 60 ° C, add malt and yeast to the mixture and leave for a week to ferment. The mash resulting from it will be slightly bitter, but this is normal, everything should be so.


Use alcohol to distill alcohol; clean it with a charcoal filter. Pour alcohol into jars that have a tight-fitting lid on the bottom of each jar a few slivers of oak. Close the banks and forget about them for at least a year.


Measure the strength of the resulting drink. In real whiskey, it ranges from 40-45 °.

Useful advice

To speed up the process, you can take the finished alcohol, dilute it to the desired strength and insist on oak sawdust for a week.

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