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How to cook a fish casserole with mushrooms in an air grill

How to cook a fish casserole with mushrooms in an air grill
How to cook a fish casserole with mushrooms in an air grill

Video: Fish Casserole Recipe | Easy Baked Fish Casserole 2024, July

Video: Fish Casserole Recipe | Easy Baked Fish Casserole 2024, July

Fish casserole can be served both hot and cold. A delicious and fragrant dish, cooked in an air grill, will be an excellent substitute for bored fried fish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 500 g hake fillet;

  • - 300 g of fresh champignons;

  • - 1 glass of sour cream;

  • - 2 tablespoons of grated cheese;

  • - 1 tablespoon of butter;

  • - 1 tablespoon of flour;

  • - ground black pepper;

  • - salt;

  • - greens.

Instruction manual


Peel the champignons. Cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a pan and saute the mushrooms. Add a spoonful of flour and fry it with mushrooms.


Take a glass refractory saucepan. Put hake fillet on the bottom. The next layer is fried mushrooms with flour. Season the mass with pepper and salt. Pour in sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.


Place the pan on the low grill. Set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake at high speed until the casserole acquires a delicious golden crust. This will be perfectly visible through the transparent walls of the air grill and the refractory pan.


Cut the finished dish into portions and serve as an independent dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Useful advice

Instead of champignons, you can take any other fresh mushrooms by season, but cook them for at least 30 minutes before frying.

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