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How to Make Bean Stew

How to Make Bean Stew
How to Make Bean Stew

Video: Cheap Lazy Vegan One Pot Bean Stew - Easy Recipe 2024, July

Video: Cheap Lazy Vegan One Pot Bean Stew - Easy Recipe 2024, July

Beans are one of the oldest cultivated plants. These beans are especially rich in proteins, calcium, iron, potassium and other trace elements that are easily absorbed by the body. Soups, side dishes, salads and snacks are prepared from beans.


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You will need

    • For stewed beans:
    • - 1 glass of beans;
    • - 3 potato tubers;
    • - 1 onion;
    • - 1 tomato;
    • - 1 bell pepper;
    • - 1 carrot;
    • - vegetable oil;
    • - salt and spices to taste.
    • For braised green beans:
    • - 1 kg of young green beans;
    • - 4 cloves of garlic;
    • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
    • - 6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • - 200 g sour cream;
    • - 1 teaspoon of paprika;
    • - salt to taste
    • some vinegar.

Instruction manual


Rinse the beans and soak the beans for 5 to 10 hours in cold water. Raw beans contain glycoside fazin and phaseolunatin - substances that can cause poisoning of the body. But harmful substances are destroyed by soaking and heating. Oligosaccharides are also dissolved in water, which cause increased gas formation and impair digestion. In addition, when soaked, the beans soften and cook faster.


Drain and pour the beans with boiling water. Cook on low heat for about an hour and a half until cooked. At the same time, make sure that the water is constantly boiling. A low cooking temperature is dangerous due to insufficient heating of the beans, due to which the harm from toxic substances will only increase. Bean grains after cooking should double in volume.


Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the pepper into strips, and chop the onion finely. Cut potatoes and tomatoes into small cubes. In a pan with thick walls, fry onion and carrots in vegetable oil. Add tomato, pepper and fry for a few more minutes. Then add boiled beans and potatoes. Pour in boiled water so that it completely covers the vegetables. Reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for about half an hour until cooked. Then salt, pour spices and leave on fire for another 5 minutes.


Prepare a stew of string beans for meat garnish. Wash the pods, shake off water, and clear of veins. Cut the long pods into pieces about 2 cm long. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan and add the beans. Salt, add crushed garlic and paprika. Bring the beans to a boil. Then close the lid and simmer for about half an hour.


Make the sauce. Fry flour in vegetable oil until light brown. Cool, add sour cream, a few drops of vinegar and mix. Half a cup of hot broth in which the beans were boiled, pour into the sauce and stir until smooth. Add the finished dressing to the boiled bean pods and boil 3 to 4 minutes until thickened.

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